
Results for Vietnam War Memorial

Joplin Korean War and Vietnam War Memorial

In memory of our heroic combat dead of the

Korean and Vietnam Conflicts


Harold L. Terry • Jimmie E. Barcom

William M. Barnard • Otis C. Carpenter

James A. Harris • David L. Johnson

Charles R. Landon • Robert F. Wilson

Donald D. Younger • Harold ...

Grant County (Indiana) Vietnam War Memorial

Erected for Grant County

Vietnam Veterans

[obelisk front]

Grant County KIA’s

William McKinley Berry • Mark Ryan Black • Ralph W. Blackerby • Rollie Lee Bolden • Emmett Lee Booth • Steve Brandenburg • William F. Clover, Jr. • Dale William Coldiron • Donald ...

Coshocton County Vietnam War Memorial

This memorial is dedicated to those who served, those who died, and those still missing.

Erected by Coshocton County Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 159 with the support of the citizens of Coshocton County

Killed in Action

Michael S. Caley •

Jerry W. ...

Stockton Vietnam War Memorial

This monument represents in a small way our appreciation of the contributions to freedom which brave men are called upon to make.

In recognition of their sacrifice, we reaffirm our community to the goals and ideals which they sought.

In memory of ...

Phoenixville Vietnam War Memorial

Lest We Forget

We salute our Phoenixville men

who served with honor, distinction,

valor and pride in the

Vietnam War...

These men made the ultimate

sacrifice and will never return.

PFC. Thomas J. Vontor July 9, 1966

Lt.(JG) James Kelly ...

Montgomery County Vietnam War Memorial

This monument was erected by the residents and businesses of the Borough of Norristown to pay tribute and honor to all those who sacrificed their lives and to those who served our country in the Vietnam War. We dedicate this ...

Cleveland County Korean and Vietnam War Memorial

In honor of the men who served from Cleveland County and in grateful memory, for a grateful people, of these who gave their lives in the Korean and Vietnam Wars.

In Memoriam


Claude Allen •

Elmer G. Allen •

Arthur Berry, Jr. •

Wilford G. ...

South Carolina State Vietnam War Memorial

In memory of the sons and daughters of South Carolina who lost their lives in the service of their country in Vietnam.

Marker is on Gadsden Street, on the right when traveling south.


Bucks County Vietnam War Memorial


To remember and honor those Americans

who gave of themselves in the

Vietnam War

Dedicated June 16, 1984

On June 20, 2009, the 25th anniversary of the dedication of this Bucks County Penna Vietnam War Memorial, veterans of the ...

Danbury Area Vietnam War Memorial

1964 Vietnam War 1975

Dedicated this 29th day of May 1988 by the people of the greated Danbury area to those men and women who served their country during the Vietnam War.

This memorial symbolizes the courage and sacrifices made by individuals ...
