
Results for WB

Catawba Indian Memorial

[South Side]:


Erected to the

Catawba Indians


Sam'l Elliott White


John McKee Spratt

The latter is a descendant Thos. "Kanahwa" Spratt and the former a descendant of Wm. Elliott (a kinsman of Kanahwas) two of the first settlers in this portion of the Indian Land ...

WB&A Electric Railroad


WB&A Road was constructed on the right-of-way of the main line of the Washington, Baltimore & Annapolis Electric Railroad. Using the most advanced technology of the time, the high-speed line provided passenger and freight service between Baltimore and Washington ...

Newberry College



Newberry College, founded in 1856, moved here from Newberry in 1868 and remained in Walhalla until 1877, returning to Newberry for the opening of the 1877-78 academic year. The Lutheran college struggled during the Civil War and its aftermath as ...

Newburgh's Neighborhood Preservation Began on This Street

The first 5 brick houses on the east side of the street were saved from demolition by Ellzabeth Lyon in 1974. Newburgh's neighborhood preservation began on thls street.

Marker is on Montgomery Street 0.2 miles from South Street, on the right ...

Newberry County Confederate Monument

This is a record of sacred dead. They were the soldiers of the Southern Confederact, from Newberry District, South Carolina, who battled for right and perished. Thus their living comrades and they who loved them memorize their lives.

Marker is on ...

Newberry County World War II Monument

In honor of all who served our country and dedicated to the memory of those who made the supreme sacrifice in World War II.

1941 - 1945

Marker is on Nance Street.


Newberry County World War I Monument

West Side

Erected in grateful recognition of the service of the sons of Newberry County who at the call of their country enlisted in the World War, and to the memory of those who sealed with their lives their devotion to ...

Newberry College

This fully-accredited Lutheran-controlled college was chartered by the General Assembly of South Carolina on December 20, 1856. Dr. John Bachman, noted divine and naturalist, was the first president of the board of trustees. The college was used as a Confederate ...

Newberry College Historic District

Listed in the National Register of Historic Places are Smeltzer Hall (1877-78), dormitory for women and campus reception area, renovated and re-dedicated in 1978; Keller Hall (1894), used as chapel, museum, library, laboratory, and now for student activities; Holland Hall ...

Ewbank & Ewbank Building


Built by Ernest Lucas Ewbank and sons

Frank and Harry, this building served as

the Ewbank family's insurance and real

estate business and other offices until

2004. Designed by prominent local

architect Erle Stillwell.

Marker is on North Main ...
