
Results for Washington

Embassy of Canada, Washington, DC


On April 28, 1988, the Right Honourable Brian Mulroney, Prime Minister of Canada, dedicated this building to peace and friendship between Canada and the United-States .

Le 28 Avril 1988, le Très Honorable Brian Mulroney, Premier Ministre du Canada, ...

Prominent Pioneer Men and Women Who Helped Settle Washington Cit

Present city officials and citizens of Washington City desired to pay tribute to early prominent pioneers who first settled here in 1857. These pioneers sacrificed their all while improving conditions in this harsh, dry, hot inhospitable, mosquito-infested area. This spot ...

Washington Reformed Presbyterian Church

This tablet is made to preserve the memory of pioneers, God fearing people from Scotland and Ireland who organized this church in 1841, as a place to meet together and worship

Andrew McCornack • Robert Shedden •

William Fraser •

George ...

Early's Washington Raid

Diverting Federal Forces, July 1864

In mid-June 1864, Confederate Gen. Jubal A. Early's corps drove Union Gen. David Hunter's army into West Virginia after the Battle of Lynchburg. On June 23 Early launched an incursion through Maryland against Washington, D.C., to ...

Booker T. Washington High School

Booker T. Washington High School

1916 - 1974

From the day it opened its doors in 1916 Booker T. Washington High School played a major roll in the life of

Columbia's black community. Originally a school with all grades, eventually it ...

George Washington Hitt


“An unforgettable personality whose courage shone with such crystal brilliance as to brighten the world about him and uplift the spirits of those even more fortunate, but not fashioned of such heroic fibre. His is a name to remember when ...

Washington City Spring


Near this spot

on the north side of “C” street

was located the city spring.

From it, in 1808, water

for public use was first

piped through the streets

of Washington, D.C.

Marker can be reached from C Street, ...

The Washingtons

Nearby are buried Lawrence Augustine Washington, his wife, Dorcas, and daughter, Emma Tell. Lawrence was the son of Samuel Washington, youngest brother of General Washington. Part of their original home is standing.

Marker is at the intersection of Bethany Pike (West ...

Washington, DC: Capital and City

Make No Little Plans

This is the John A. Wilson Building, Washington, DC's city hall, home to DC's mayor and city council.

When completed in 1908, it was known as the District Building (for District of Columbia). Cope and Stewardson of Philadelphia ...

Washington County Civil War Monument

This monument

is presented by

Dr. Erskine G. Clark

to the Village of

Sandy HillDedicated to the honor and patriotism of the soldiers of Washington County who served in our war to suppress the southern rebellion of 1861, waged against ...
