
Results for Western

Western Plaza, Pennsylvania Avenue

[Freedom Plaza]

Western Plaza consists of a large raised terrace in which part of L'Enfant's original 1791 plan for Washington, D.C. is rendered in black and white stone. At one end of the raised terrace is a pool. At the other ...

East Tennessee & Western North Carolina Depot

Constructed in 1891 as a union depot for the East Tennessee & Western North Carolina Railroad (nicknamed “Tweetsie”) and the East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad, the building served as a passenger railway terminal until 1940. From 1912 until 1930, ...

Western Terminus South Carolina Railroad

Near the foot of this bluff in the old town of Hamburg stood the western terminus of the S.C. Canal and Rail Road Co. Begun in 1830, it was the first steam operated railroad to offer regular passenger service and ...

Western & Atlantic Depot

This is the only depot between Atlanta and Chattanooga that has been in continuous use since May 9, 1850, when the first train ran over this end of the line. Previous to the coming of the W & A to ...

Wilmington & Western Railroad

The Wilmington and Western Railroad. A 20-mile track between Wilmington and Landenberg (PA) was built in 1872 to furnish passenger and freight service to the communities and industry along the red clay valley. In 1883, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad ...

Black River and Western Railroad

In 1854 Flemington Transportation Co. Built roadbed from Flemington to Lambertville. Became part of Pennsylvania RR in 1871. BR&WRR began operations in 1965. Other business located on site include creamery, lumber yard, mattress factory and feed mill.

Marker is on County ...

Southwestern Telegraph & Telephone Building

Veteran Travis County official and historian Frank Brown (1833-1913) erected this structure in 1886. Southwestern Telegraph & Telephone Company bought and restyled the building in 1898. Architect A.O. Watson designed the ornate façade. Previously in rented quarters at various sites, ...

Western Hotel: Symbol of Strife

After the army sold Fort Scott in 1855, the infantry barracks located here (reconstructed in front of you) became the pro-slavery Western Hotel. The building across the parade ground directly behind you became the anti-slavery Free State Hotel. The two ...

El Paso & Southwestern Depot and Park

Th El Paso and Southwestern Railroad, originally owned by the Phelps Dodge Company, was extended from El Paso into Tucson in the fall of 1912. The handsome depot of classical design, featuring a large rotunda with a stained glass dome, ...

The Western District Station House


"Pine Street Station"


has been placed on the

National Register

of Historic Places

by the United States

Department of the Interior

Marker is on Pine Street, on the right when traveling south.

