
Results for World War II Memorial

Sussex County World War II Memorial

In Honor of Those Who Paid the Supreme Sacrifice in World War II

Arnold Lee Roach • Harry Ernest Hill • Harold Kenneth Scott • Robert E Marvel • John E. Adams • William H. Hudson • Edward P. Steele • ...

Port Chester World War II Memorial

In Memoriam

To The Eight Willow St. Boys of Port Chester

Who Gave Their Lives In World War II

Lt. Alphonse Guardino • S/Sgt. John P. Ribuffo • Sgt. Daniel J. Liberati • Cpl. Joseph Carlucci • Pfc. Orlando Gabriele ...

Furman University World War II Memorial

In Memory of

Those Who Paid the Supreme Sacrifice

in World War II

Marker is on Cherrydale Avenue, on the right when traveling north.


Delaware County World War II Memorial

In Honored Memory of Our Heroes Who Gave Their Lives

Dedicated to the men and women of Delaware County who served their country in World War II 1941 - 1945

Marker is on Sandusky Street, on the left when traveling north.

Courtesy ...

World War II Memorial

Dedicated to the military veterans who served our country in war and in peace.

To protect and preserve our freedom.

A nation conceived in liberty and justice.

November 9th 2007

Marker is on S 5th Street.


Tipton County (Indiana) World War I and II Memorial

This Hospital

Erected by public subscription

to keep alive

the Honored and Prayerful memory

of those who served from Tipton County

in World Wars I and II

Tablet presented by

Charles Sturdevant - -Post No.46 American Legion

Sharpsville - - - - -Post No. 443 American Legion

Wisehart and ...

Seymour World War I – World War II Memorial

1917 – 1918 1941 – 1945

In Honor Of

The Men and Women of Seymour

Who Served in the Armed Forces of Our Country

World War I

[ The World War I tablet lists 327 names. The names listed below have a star indicating they ...

World War II Memorial


[ Upper Section ]

They lived to bear their Country’s

arms and died to save it’s Honor.

Sgt Charles W. Snider • 11-4-43

Pfc Lester J. Beyl • 1-31-44

S/Sgt William J. Summers, AAF • 3-8-44

Sgt Kenneth N. ...

World War II War Memorial

Henning, Illinois

In loving memory of those who served their Country in World War II.

Marker is on North Main Street north of U.S. 136, on the right when traveling north.


Union Township World War II Memorial


the men and women of

Union Township

who served their country during Wold War II


in memory of

the following who made the supreme sacrifice

Harold A. Cronce •

Thomas Godown •

Edward F. Greer •

Harry Henry •

John S. Martin •

Harold ...
