The Sully Farms

Alone in Dixie

At the time of the Civil War, the farms of Sully and Little Sully (no longer standing) were the homes of the Barlow and Haight families respectively. These families, connected by marriage, had come to Virginia from ...

Christ Church


The very existence of Christ Church and the elegant majesty of this building is a testament to the success of William Penn's "Holy Experiment." His Charter of Privileges allowed all denominations freedom of worship, even the Church of England ...

The British Occupation of New Jersey

With New York City in British hands, Forts Washington and Lee on the Hudson River (North River) fell to British attack November 16 & 19, 1776, respectively. General George Washington moved his army south through New Jersey, crossing the Delaware ...

Sterling Station

By 1967, when the photograph below was taken, Sterling had grown from a railroad stop known as Guilford to a large residential development.

Beginning in 1860, the station served local farmers. Trains carried grain, produce, and dairy products to eastern ...


E. 10 mi. Plantation home built c. 1852 by Geo. H. Young. Octagonal cupola. Gen. N.B. Forrest visited here during the Civil War. National Fox Hunters Assn. organized here.

Marker is on State Highway 45, on the right when traveling ...

Walter Reed Birthplace

Dr. Walter Reed

Conqueror of Yellow Fever

born here 1851

given by

The Medical Society of Virginia

in 1968 to

Association for

The Preservation of Virginia Antiquities.

Marker can be reached from the intersection of Hickory Fork Road (Virginia Route ...

The Fort Scott Road


The Fort Scott Road ran in a north/south direction just east of the fence line. As it approached Mine Creek it veered to the southwest. This road paralled [sic] the route of present-day U.S. 69 Highway. Because this was ...

Garrett Park, Md.

Incorporated 1898

In 1887, the Metropolitan Investment and Building Company laid out the town, named after Robert W. Garrett, President of the B. & O. Railroad. It was to be primarily residential, a short commuter train ride to Washington, D.C. ...

Welcome to Paris Mountain State Park


About Paris Mountain State Park

What is now Paris Mountain State Park traces its beginnings to an innovative plan by the City of Greenville to protect this fragile mountain watershed while supplying the city with water. Four lakes were ...

Hamburg / Edwin B. Winans


Side A:


The year 1831 marked the arrival of Hamburg's first settlers -- Felix Dunlavy, Jesse Hall, Calvin Jackson, Cornelius Miller and Herman Lake -- and their families. In 1835, Ann Arbor merchant E.F. Gray and Amariah Hammond ...
