
Results for L

Levi Strong Backus

Deaf Teachers Abroad

Levi Strong Backus grew up in the same town as deaf silversmith Sylvester Gilbert. Born deaf, Backus attended the American School for the Deaf as part of the first class in 1817 when he ...

James Holsey Whitcomb

Short-lived Silhouettist

James Holsey Whitcomb traveled from Hancock, New Hampshire to enroll at the American School for the Deaf in 1822. Reverend Thomas Gallaudet wrote a short description of each of the pupils from New Hampshire that received ...

George Washington Lamb and Maria Bailey


Maria Bailey and her sister Harriet were amongst the first students to attend the American School for the Deaf when it opened in 1817.  Even though they were already adults, at 20 and 18 years old respectively, they left ...

The Dillingham Siblings

Deaf Matrons and Teachers

Abigail Dillingham enrolled at the American School for the Deaf (ASD) as part of the first class in 1817. She was already 31 years old when she started school and graduated in 1821. ...

Laurette Goodrich Warriner

Supporting Her Family

Laurette Goodrich became deaf as a result of a childhood disease when she was a year old. When she was 10 years old she left her home in Chatham (now East Hampton) to attend school at the ...

Charles Hillar

First African-American Student at ASD

Charles Hillar was the first student of African descent to attend the American School for the Deaf. He and two other children, who enrolled at the New York School for the Deaf ...

Almon Miner Lippincott


This stunning vista across Madison’s saltmarshes sits on top of the remains of Almon Miner Lippincott’s airplane hangar. Lippincott, who typically went by “Miner”, was born deaf on December 5, 1904 and raised in Madison. He ...

Isaac Hine and Sophia Rowley

Love and Family at ASD

As deaf children came to Hartford from across the country, they not only received an education, but created a community. They forged lifelong friendships by learning, living, and working together. Many became young couples and ...

Algot Anderson

Pioneer and Artist

Algot Anderson was a talented artist and a passionate supporter of the American School for the Deaf. Anderson was born on October 20, 1897 in Meriden. At the age of three, he and his ...

Gallaudet Family

One of American School for the Deaf’s Founding Families

Reverend Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, born December 10, 1787, met Dr. Mason Cogswell and his daughter Alice in the summer of 1814. Realizing that, although Alice was deaf, she ...
