
Results for Washington

Washington-Coleman Elementary School

South Boston, Virginia

Determined to provide elementary education for young African Americans, the Rev. Parham B. Ragland started a school in his backyard some time around 1875. Though the "Backyard School" was private, Rev. Ragland was able to garner financial support ...

“Utah’s Dixie” Washington City

Founded 1857. This monument is erected in honor and memory of the founders of Washington City. The settlers who arrived 1857 were sent here by Brigham Young, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, for the purpose ...

Utah’s Dixie Birthplace, Washington City

Founded 1857.After the Adair and Covington companies meetings with Isaac C. Haight in May 1857, they immediately started to prepare the land to grow crops. William H. Crawford, secretary of the group, wrote to the Deseret News, May 7, 1857, ...

Washington Cotton Factory

Early in 1857 Brigham Young called Samuel Adair and Robert D. Covington as leaders of two companies of pioneers to settle here and grow cotton. In 1861 a Scandinavian company came to assist in the work. The town was named ...

Washington Cotton Factory

Early in 1857 Brigham Young called Samuel Adair and Robert D. Covington as leaders of two companies of pioneers to settle here and grow cotton. In 1861 a Scandinavian company came to assist in the work. The town was named ...

Washington's Camp

In 1784 George Washington, Bushrod Washington, James Craik and his son made a horseback journey to inspect their western lands and investigate the feasibility of building a canal from the Potomac River to westward waters. On their return trip, they ...

Washington’s Headquarters

General George Washington established his headquarters in this area at the junction of the American encampments to the east and the French encampments to the north.

Here he set up two tents: a large one for meeting with his staff and ...

Washington Navy Yard: Serving the Fleet

Tour of Duty: Barracks Row Heritage Trail

In front of you is the main gate of the Washington Navy Yard, established in 1799. It is the U.S. Navy's oldest shore facility in continuous use. Over time, workers here have built ...

Marine Barracks, Washington, D.C.

"Oldest Post of the Corps"

Site selected by President Thomas Jefferson and Lieutenant Colonel Commandant William Ward Burrows on 31 March 1801.

A National Capital Landmark and entered in the National Register of Historic Places.

United States Marine Corps

Marker ...

Washington Navy Yard: Maker of Weapons

Tour of Duty: Barracks Row Heritage Trail

The white brick wall in front of you marks the original northern boundary of the Navy Yard. The yard grew from its original 12 acres to 128 acres at its peak in 1962. In ...
