Texas City Memorial Cemetery

On April 16 and 17, 1947, disastrous explosions aboard two ships docked at the Texas City port killed hundreds of people. In the weeks that followed, relief workers led by the American Red Cross and other volunteers labored to identify ...

Navajo County Courthouse

Navajo County Courthouse

In 1896, the U.S. Congress passed enabling legislation

to provide a permanent courthouse at Holbrook.

Construction was delayed until Frank A. Zuck donated

land in April of 1898. Plans submitted by Phoenix

architects D.W. Millard and George G. ...

The First Methodist Church in Anderson Was Built Here

—1827–1977— The pioneer Methodist Church of Anderson began meeting in homes in 1821 and was organized as a congregation in 1827. Their first primitive log church was on the southwest corner of 11th and Delaware Streets. In 1849 a new ...

Public Square

The first land entry affecting Stevens Point after the Indian treaty of 1836 was made by Andrew Mullarkey in 1844. This land was purchased by Mathias Mitchell who in 1847 platted four streets and the Public Square. A Liberty Pole ...

Upside-Down House

A distinctive local landmark and nationally renowned tourist attraction. It was the creation of - Nellie Bly O’Bryan (1893–1984), visionary, entrepreneur and long time resident of the Mono Basin.

Originally, located along US-395 north of the Tioga Lodge, it was inspired ...


First placer camp in East Belt section of Mother Lode. Gold discovered here in 1853 by Scott brothers, descendants of Cherokee Indians. Scars of placer “diggings” in every little arroyo in Cherokee Valley healed over by Mother Nature later replaced ...

City Hall

Presidencia Seccional

Siendo Gobernador Del Estado El

C.C.P. Patricio Martinez Garcia

Y Presidente Municipal El

C. Fernando Castañeda Barraza

Fue Construido E Inaugurado

Este Edicicio.

H. Ayuntamiento 2001-2004

Puerto Palomas De Villa

MPIO. De Ascension Chih.

English Translation:

Sectional Presidency

Being governor of the state

C. C. P. Patrician Martinez Garcia

and municipal president

C. ...

Robert F. Kennedy Speech on Death of Martin L. King

Here on the evening of April 4, 1968, Kennedy came to address a large crowd of mostly African Americans in his bid for Democratic Party nomination for president of U.S. Instead, visibly shaken, he gave an impromptu speech about the ...

French Army Encampment

General Rochambeau's troops camped here in August 1781 en route to the Battle of Yorktown.

Marker is on Valley Road, on the right when traveling south.


Site of Moulder’s Battery

At the height of the January 3, 1777 Battle of Princeton, British forces under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Charles Mawhood, attacked aggressively, forcing the American brigades to fall back. The Americans rallied around a small artillery battery, lead by ...
