
Results for Court House

Jefferson County Courthouse

Where John Brown Was Tried

In this courthouse, John Brown, the abolitionist, was tried and found guilty of treason, conspiracy and murder. He was hanged four blocks from here on December 2, 1859. •

Visitors are Welcome.

Marker is at the intersection of ...

Cumberland County Court House

In 1749 the Virginia House of Burgesses divided Goochland County to establish Cumberland County. William A. Howard, an associate of Thomas Jefferson's master builder, Dabney Cosby, built the present Cumberland County courthouse (1818-1821). The unusual temple-form, Jeffersonian-Classical building has a ...

Buckingham Courthouse

Historic District

Designed by Thomas Jefferson in 1821, burned in 1869, rebuilt in 1873. The exterior follows Jefferson’s plan with the interior redesigned. Copy of original plan and specifications on display in courthouse. Registered in 1969 as a National and Virginia ...

Ventura County Courthouse

The courthouse was designed in 1910 by one of the early pioneers of architecture in Southern California--Albert C. Martin, Sr. Dedicated in July 1913, the structure is an outstanding example of neoclassic architecture, a style prevalent in the United States ...

Charlotte Court House Historic District

The historic district, a rare example of a 19th-century rural courthouse town, is concentrated on two main streets. Begun as Dalstonburg in 1775 during the French and Indian War, and later called Marysville and Smithville, the town was named Charlotte ...

Charlotte Court House

Foraging Parties: “People complimented us”

In June 1864, to deny Gen. Robert E. Lee the use of the South Side R.R. and the Richmond and Danville R.R., Gen. Ulysses S. Grant sent Gen. James H. Wilson and Gen. August V. Kautz ...

Moultrie County Courthouses

The Moultrie County Courthouse was dedicated November 12, 1906. It was authorized by the citizens in February 1904, designed by Deal & Ginzel, Lincoln, IL and built by H. B. Walter, Danville, IL for $87,000, including furnishings. It is 75 ...

Halifax Court House

"Answering the Call"

In June 1864, to deny Gen. Robert E. Lee the use of the South Side R.R. and the Richmond and Danville R.R., Gen. Ulysses S. Grant sent Gen. James H. Wilson and Gen. August V. Kautz south of ...

Old Court House at Sapelo Bridge

Sapelo Bridge, on the old Savannah to Darien Road 200 yards east of this spot, was the seat of McIntosh County from 1793 to 1818. Here the Court House and other public buildings stood; here, too, were the Armory and ...

Clarke County Courthouse

The year after Clarke County was formed in 1836, construction began on a brick courthouse based on county justice David Meade’s design. The courthouse was remodeled in the Neoclassical style about 1850 when the portico and cupola were added. Portraits ...
