Birthplace of A.P. Giannini

Amadeo Peter Giannini, founder of the Bank of Italy – now the Bank of America – was born at 79 N. Market St. on May 6, 1870. Perhaps San Jose's most famous native, Giannini is considered by many to be ...

The Applegate-Lassen Trail

This spot marks the convergence of two pioneer trails widely used by emigrants during the years 1846-1850. The Applegate Trail, established in 1846, led from the Humbolt River in Nevada to the Willamette Valley in Oregon. The Lassen Cut-Off, established ...

Corona Founders

R. B. Taylor, George L. Joy, Samuel Merrill, A. S. Garretson, and Adolph Rimpau, having purchased lands of the La Sierra Rancho of Bernardo Yorba and the El Temescal Grant of Leandro Serrano on May 4, 1886, founded the citrus ...

Cannon's Point Plantation

In 1793 John Couper, with his partner James Hamilton, purchased Cannon's Point in northeastern St. Simons Island. In addition to the production of cotton, Couper experimented with citrus trees, grapes, date palms from Persia, mulberry trees for silk production, sugar ...

Tampa Bay Hotel

On June 14, 1898, Lt. Col. Theodore Roosevelt

and the First United States Volunteer Cavalry,

known as the Rough Riders, embarked from Port

Tampa for victory in the Spanish-American War.

The Tampa Bay Hotel was used as headquarters

for general officers who ...

James Hay Reed

Born Sept. 10, 1853, in a house standing in this square. Distinguished as a lawyer. Counselor to a majority of the leaders of business who built the corporations which made Pittsburgh leader in American industry.

Marker can be reached from Allegheny ...

Second Baptist Church

Side A:

This site has long served the religious, education, and public interests of the residents of Mechanicsburg. A local Methodist congregation built its first church here in 1820, and the townspeople also used the structure as its village school. The ...

Father Marquette's Camp - 1674

Father Jacques Marquette, the French Jesuit missionary who with Sieur Louis Jolliet discovered and first explored the upper Mississippi in 1673, stayed on this site November 23-27, 1674. Marquette, with two French Canadians, Pierre Porteret and Jacques Largillier, was returning ...

Bulfinch Gate House

Erected about 1828 under direction of Charles Bulfinch, Architect of the Capitol, this gate house stood until 1874 with another (now at 17th and Constitution Avenue) at the west entrance to the Capitol Grounds

Marker is at the intersection of ...

The Tuscararas Trail

The great trail between Fort Pitt and Detroit was traveled for years by Indians. It was used by the expeditions of Bouquet's Royal Americans. Blackwatch. Virginia and Pennsylvania Militia in 1764 and McIntosh's Continentals and Virginia Militia in 1778-1779.

Marker is ...
