A hospitable people...

If you decide to try your machine will find a hospitable people...

William J. Tate, Kitty Hawk Postmaster, in a letter to Wilbur Wright dated August 18, 1900

Wilbur and Orville Wright accepted Tate’s invitation and found that the Outer Banks ...

The First Cast Iron Bridge

The first cast iron bridge built in the United States, was built in 1836-1839 over Dunlap's Creek at this point.

Marker is on Market Street east of Bank Street, on the right when traveling east.


The Historic Sykesville Colored Schoolhouse

Dedicated to the pupils and teachers

who learned within these four walls.

1904 - 1939

Restoration dedicated on September 15, 2006

With appreciation to the organizations and

individuals whose generous donations of time,

expertise and revenues led to this building's

restoration in ...


1876 - 1957

Josef Casimir Hofmann, internationally

known Polish pianist, resided with his

wife, Aikenite Marie Eustis Hofmann, in

a three~story house located several

hundred feet west of here. Born near

Cracow, Poland, he was recognized as a

gifted pianist at an early age and

considered the finest ...

Camp Holabird

Named for Quartermaster General Samuel B. Holabird (1826-1907) and established in 1917 as the Army's first motor transport training center and depot. Supplied World War I American Expeditionary Forces in France with Detroit-made vehicles. Trained thousands to drive and repair ...

Buckley House

Built 1879, former residence of Maria M. Woodbridge, granddaughter of Dudley Woodbridge, first merchant and early judge.

The Rotary Club of Marietta

Marking a Place in History with Service since 1921

Marker is on Front Street, on the left when traveling south.

Courtesy ...

The Conquest of the Air

In commemoration of the conquest of the air…

Excerpt from the inscription on the monument atop Big Kill Devil Hill

From its establishment as a national monument in 1927 to the First Flight Centennial of 2003, the local people of the Outer ...

New Life for Old Bathhouse

In 1935, this land was undeveloped acreage surrounding Greenville's outdated reservoirs. By 1937, it had been converted into a state park. Because boating and swimming in Lake Placid were the main attractions, a bathhouse was built overlooking the water.

Starting in ...

Hill’s Tavern

This tavern, in continuous operation since 1794 when it was opened by Stephen Hill, is one of the oldest on the National Road. It was a popular stop for stage coaches and waggoners.

Marker is at the intersection of National Park ...

The Veterans of 1898-1902

"You Triumphed Over Obstacles

Which Would Have Overcome Men

Less Brave And Determined"

President McKinley

Dedicated to

The Veterans Of 1898 to 1902

by Department of Georgia National Auxiliary

United Spanish War Veterans

At the Twentieth Annual Convention

May 3, 4, & 5 1942

Marker is at the intersection ...
