
Results for Christ Church

Christ Church- Philadelphia

Whereas the honorable Continental Congress have resolved to declare the American Colonies to be free and independent states ... it will be proper to omit those petitions from the liturgy wherein the King of Great Britain is prayed for ...


Christ Church


The very existence of Christ Church and the elegant majesty of this building is a testament to the success of William Penn's "Holy Experiment." His Charter of Privileges allowed all denominations freedom of worship, even the Church of England ...

Christ Church

Founded, 1695. Erection of present building begun in 1727. Bells were brought from England in 1754. Among the noted persons buried here are James Wilson and Robert Morris, Signers of the Declaration of Independence, and Bishop White.

Marker is at ...

Christ Church Burial Ground


Christ Church Burial Ground is most famous as the final resting place of Benjamin Franklin, a man who captured the spirit of his age and of the city. Franklin's genius touched nearly every aspect of Philadelphia's life and produced ...

Christian Science Church

The Valdosta Episcopal Congregation, organized ca. 1871, held services in the courthouse until this building, originally a frame structure, was constructed in 1885. (Stucco was added in 1910.) The first service was held here on February 21, 1886, and the ...

Christ Episcopal Church, St. Simon's Island

This congregation was established as a mission of the Church of England in February, 1736. The Rev. Charles Wesley, ordained priest of that Church, conducted the first services in the chapel within the walls of Fort Frederica. The Rev. John ...

Christ Church

Erected in 1837. For many

years Washington Irving

was vestryman and warden.

Ivy is from cuttings from

vine on his home Sunnyside.

Marker is at the intersection of S Broadway (U.S. 9) and Elizabeth Street, on the left when traveling north on S Broadway. ...

Christ Church

Half a mile east is Christ Church, Middlesex. The first building was erected about 1666; the present one in 1712. About 1840 the church was restored. The colonial governor, Sir Henry Chicheley, is buried there.

Marker is at the intersection of ...

First Christian Church

Founded, 1839, through efforts of Talbert Fanning and David Lipscomb. Present structure, erected 1849-50, housed refugee State Senate in Civil War. Here Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterways Agreement was signed in 1958.

Marker is at the intersection of 2nd Avenue North and N. 6th ...

First Church of Christ Congregational

About This Church

This church was built in 1837 by the Methodist Episcopal Society of Redding. The building committee consisted of Thomas B. Fanton, John Read Hill, Gershom Sherwood, Jesse Banks, and David Duncomb. It served the Methodist Society until ...
