
Results for County Courthouse

Alamance County Courthouse

Alamance County Courthouse

Built in 1923

to replace the original

1851 brick and stucco


Marker is at the intersection of Main Street and Elm Street on Main Street.


Sussex County Courthouse

Begun 1825

Completed 1828

Built by Dabney Cosby

master brickmason under Thomas Jefferson

in the construction of the University of Virginia

Declared a National Historic

Landmark 1973-Exterior restored

by the Board of Supervisors and

the Independence Bicentennial

Commission of Sussex County


Marker can be reached from the intersection of Courthouse ...

Genesee County Courthouse

Erected 1841

This building stands at the bend of the Tonawanda and the junction of two major Iroquois Trails - Old Genesee and Big Tree Roads

Onondaga limestone obtained from Consider Warner's Quarry in LeRoy

National Register of Historic Places


Chesterfield County Courthouse

This area, known originally as "Cold Water Run," is the site of the first Chesterfield County courthouse, erected in 1750. In 1917 it was demolished and replaced by a larger Georgian Revival brick building that served the county until the ...

Wilson County Courthouses

The first courthouse stood on the west side of the public square. The second was located in the center of the square. In 1848 the third, designed by William Strickland, was erected on this site which was Lot No.2 (SW) ...

Mohave County Courthouse

Built 1915

This building has been placed on

The National Register of

Historic Places

By the United States Department of the Interior

Mohave County Courthouse

Built 1915

Built of locally quarried tufa stone, the Mohave County Courthouse has been the center of county government since 1915. It ...

1905 Houston County Courthouse Bell

This bell rang over the streets of Dothan from 1905 until 1960 when it was saved from demolition by Dewey Emfinger.

It was loaned to Houston County for display in 2006 by the Emfinger family in honor of Dewey and ...

Hancock County Courthouse

Side A:

Hancock County was organized March, 1828, court being held in a log schoolhouse. In 1833, a frame courthouse was built. It served until 1840, when a brick structure went up on this site. During the oil and gas boom ...

History of the Stewart County Courthouse

The first courthouse in Stewart County, Tennessee was erected in June 1806 in the Township of Dover. In 1823, the original log courthouse was replaced and later destroyed by fire during the Civil War in 1862. The courthouse was rebuilt ...

Marion County Courthouse

This is Marion County's fourth courthouse and the second at this site. The cornerstone was laid on July 4, 1884. Costing $115,000, it was completed in 1885 by contractors Leffler and Bland. In 1973 the courthouse was placed on the ...
