
Results for D T

Meeting With Chief Tendoy

After crossing Bannock Pass, the Nez Perce moved down C...


Howard's Strategy at Snowline

On August 17 near Snowline, fearing the Nez Perce mi...


Bannock Pass to Leadore

Back Into Idaho
*Adventurous Travel: road...


Skinner Meadows to Horse Prarie

Leaving Behind the Big Hole Valley


Big Hole Battlefield to Skinner Meadows


Crossing the Continental Divide

Colonel Gibbon dispatched Lieutenant Bradley and Cap...


Results for D T

Meeting With Chief Tendoy

After crossing Bannock Pass, the Nez Perce moved down Cruickshank Canyon to the mouth of Timber Creek. At the small town of Junction (two miles east of Leadore) locals awaited them behind a small, hastily constructed stockade. Here, Chiefs White ...

Howard's Strategy at Snowline

On August 17 near Snowline, fearing the Nez Perce might escape back into Montana, Howard sent 40 cavalrymen under the command of First Lieutenant George R. Bacon and several Bannock scouts under the command of Orlando "Rube" Robbins to proceed ...

Bannock Pass to Leadore

Back Into Idaho
*Adventurous Travel: roads not recommended for motor homes or vehicles towing trailers; usually passable from July to October*

Exactly which route the Nez Perce followed as they left Montana and entered Idaho is unclear. Possibilities include Deadman ...

Skinner Meadows to Horse Prarie

Leaving Behind the Big Hole Valley
*Adventurous Travel: roads not recommended for motor homes or vehicles towing trailers; usually passable from July to October*

Leaving the Takseen camp, the Nez Perce moved south through the Big Hole River drainage. A ...

Big Hole Battlefield to Skinner Meadows