
Results for Honor Roll

City of Meriden's World War I Roll of Honor

[ west side left panel ]

Abel, Arnold T. • Abrams, Charles E. • Adams, Armand E. • Adams, Harry P. • Adams, Joseph • Adaszkiewicz, Ignatius • Affeldt, Albert A. • Affeldt, John E. • Affeldt, Joseph M. • Aichler, ...

The Country’s Roll of Honor

Their names are imperishably inscribed

upon the country’s Roll of Honor.


Within this sacred ground rest the remains of a number of soldiers, of whom there is a record of forty-eight, all enrolled in Washington’s Army during the Revolutionary War, whose achievements ...

World War II Roll of Honor

City of Meriden

World War II Roll of Honor

[ The memorial consists of twelve bronze tablets. 5,280 names are listed. A small plaque labeled “Omissions” lists 102 additional names. ]

[ The 144 names listed below have a ...

Chatsworth Honor Roll

In Memory of Those

Chatsworth Honor Roll

In memory of those

who served in the Armed Forces

World War I

Anderson, Andrew • Anderson, Willis • Carr, Ballington B. • Griffee, Joseph • Leduc, Albert • Messler, Ernest • Messler, Jesse • Prickett, Albert N. ...

Honor Roll - Marshall County Indiana

[ Front ]

This Memorial dedicated to those from Marshall County who gave their all in the service of their Country

- - - 1917 - - - World War I - - - 1918 - - -

[ Column One ]

William E. ...

Swampscott Vietnam Veterans Honor Roll

1961 1975

Abram, Francis A., Jr. • Abram, James A. • Ackerman, David C. • Allison, George K. • Anderson, Ty J. • Anthony, William S. • Antoniello, Mathew, Jr. • Armstrong, James W. • Arsenault, Dennis P. • Bagnell, Dana ...

Frontenac Veterans Honor Roll

Honoring All Who Served

"We pledge allegiance to the flag

of the United States of America

and to the Republic for which it stands,

one nation under God,

indivisible, with liberty and

justice for all."

The City of Frontenac, Kansas

recognizes the contributions and

sacrifices of those who served

in ...

Swampscott Revolutionary War Honor Roll

Revolutionary War

Honor Roll 1775 – 1783

Burrill, Alden • Burrill, Ebenezer • Burrill, John A. • Burrill, John M. • Burrill, Samuel • Burrill, Theophilus • Clark, Edmund • Ingalls, Benjamin • Ingalls, Jacob • Ingalls, John • Ingalls, Joseph • ...

Swampscott World War Honor Roll

[ south side ]

Honor Roll

World War

Leon E Abbott • Isaac M Adams • Lawrence W Adams • Antonio Alfonsi • Frank Alley • Christian S Ambye • Arvid S Anderson • Harry Anderson • Michael Arribea • Michael Asconti • ...

Swampscott Korean War Honor Roll

Korean War Honor Roll

James S. Abbott • Henry E. Ackler, Jr. • George Richard Adams • George V. Anderson • Jay H. Anderson • Loring H. Anderson • Victor M. Antoniello • George H. Arrington • George J. Arroll • ...
