
Results for Lewis

Lewis and Clark Visit Spirit Mound

August 25, 1804

On the hot day of August 25, 1804, captains Lewis and Clark and several of their men walked from the river to explore Spirit Mound. They had heard that little people with deadly arrows inhabited the mound. Although ...

William (Uncle Bill) Lewis


William Lewis was born in Winchester, Tennessee, in 1810 as a slave. When he was old enough, Lewis was taught the blacksmith trade. By working at odd times, he was able to save enough money to purchase the freedom of ...

Lewis and Clark in Illinois

On November 14, 1803, Meriwether Lewis, William Clark and their party landed at the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, the site of the present day Cairo. They spent nearly a week here, learning how to determine longitude and ...

Lewis & Clark

Corps of Discovery

Charting the Confluence

On November 14, 1803, at the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, the Corps of Discovery stayed for six days, one of the longest stops made by the expedition. Here, they saw the ...

Lewisburg Battle

Confederate troops under Gen. Henry Heth here, May 23, 1862, were repulsed in attach upon division of Col. Geo. Crook's brigade. The Old Stone Church was used as a hospital. In his retreat, Heth burned bridge over Greenbrier at Caldwell.

Marker ...

Lewis Kingman Park

Dedicated to Lewis Kingman, born North Bridgewater, Mass., 1845, died Mexico City, 1912.

A civil engineer who pioneered railroad location and construction in the western United States and Mexico.

During 1886-87 he supervised the construction of 1353 miles of railroad.

During the construction ...

Lewisfield Plantation

This land, part of Fairlawn Barony and known as Little Landing, was bought in 1767 by Sedgwick Lewis. His daughter Sarah married Keating Simons. They acquired the land in 1774 and are presumed to have built the present plantation house. ...

Lewis and Clark

To the Headwaters

Lewis and Clark's Corps of Discovery reached the headwaters of the Missouri River and named the three tributaries in July, 1805. With great difficulty the Corps of Discovery fought rapids and troublesome mosquitoes as they pulled their boats ...

Kilgore-Lewis House

Registered by

the City of Greenville

South Carolina

In Recognition


Historical Significance

Marker is on North Academy Street (U.S. 123).


Lewis & Clark at Old Fort Jefferson

Long before Lewis and Clark stopped near Wickliffe in western Kentucky on their outbound trip to the west, Fort Jefferson had been built in 1780-81 by George Rogers Clark during the Revolutionary War as an outpost against British-led Indian attacks. ...
