
Results for Virginia

Virginia’s First World War I Monument

On Memorial Day 1921, Hopewell American Legion Post 80 dedicated the Commonwealth of Virginia’s first tribute to those who made the supreme sacrifice during World War I. The monument now honors Hopewell’s fallen heroes from succeeding wars and conflicts. The ...

The Little Theater Clark Memorial Theatre Virginia Samford Theat

Built in 1937 by Gen. Louis Verdier Clark from a design by architect William T. Warren as a community playhouse for cultural activities. It was recognized as one of the best of its kind in the nation. Mrs. Vassar Allen ...

Virginia’s Vintage

The plentiful grape vines in the New World raised hopes of a profitable wine making industry. Native and imported varieties produced a drinkable vintage, but the wine often spoiled during shipment to England. The venture failed.

A local market did exist, ...

7th West Virginia Infantry

1st Brigade, 3rd Division

(Front):Sons of the Mountains

7th W Va Veteran

Romney to Appomattox

1st Brigade Carroll

3rd Division 2nd Corps.

At dusk July 2nd Carroll's

Brigade was ordered by

General Hancock to this point.

On arriving there we found the

Battery about to be taken charge

of by the ...

Efforts of a Virginia Tradesman 1670s

The early English settlers came to Virginia looking for gold, silver, and precious gems, but never found them. Some of the artifacts they left behind, however, are highly valuable to the archaeologists who excavated Jamestown centuries later.

One such artifact lay ...

7th West Virginia Infantry

7th West Virginia


July 3, 1863.

Marker is on Wainwright Avenue, on the right when traveling north.


Fort Pickens (West Virginia) / Engagements of Co. A

Fort Pickens

120 yds., northeast, Co. A 10th W. Va. Inf., built Fort Pickens for headquarters and defense. Company raised by Capt. Morgan A. Darnall; mustered into U. S. service March 13, 1862. In several battles down to Appomattox.

Engagements ...

University of Virginia

Thomas Jefferson founded the University of Virginia. The cornerstone of its first building was laid on October 6, 1817, in the presence of three presidents of the United States—Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe. In 1825, the university admitted its ...

Central Virginia Training Center

Established in 1910 as the Virginia State

Epileptic Colony, the center admitted its first

patients in May 1911. The facility originally

served persons with epilepsy and began

accepting individuals with mental retardation

in 1913. Due to the new national emphasis in

the mid-1950s on mental retardation, ...

West Virginia / Alleghany County, Virginia


West Virginia

West Virginia was long a part of Virginia. Morgan Morgan began the settlement of the region in 1727. A great battle with the Indians took place at Point Pleasant in 1774. West Virginia became a separate state of the ...
