
Results for WB

“Cowboy Jim” Donovan

Born in San Francisco, James Donovan came to Santa Clara following the 1906 earthquake at the age of nine and resided in this house the rest of his life. Orphaned young, he started hauling baggage from the railroad depot using ...

First Strawberries

Coming to this region from his native Maryland in 1867, David Brandenburg established here the first large-scale strawberry-growing operation in Tennessee. The industry has now become an important factor in the produce economy of the mid-South.

Marker is on U.S. 70A, ...

Strawberry Chapel

Chapel of Ease to St. John's (Biggin's Church), built about 1725 on land bequeathed by James Child, founder at this place, of the Town of Childbury. Strawberry Ferry was established here by Act of Assembly in 1705.

Marker is at the ...

Robert Strawbridge

? The first preacher of Methodism in America. He formed at his house (still standing, 1938) one-half mile east of here the first Class and the first Society of American Methodism. He built the first log meeting house (1764) for ...

Robert Strawbridge House

Here Robert Strawbridge formed the first Methodist class in America about 1763. Nearby he built the first log meeting house. Although without official sanction American Methodists first received Baptism and Holy Communion by his hand. Named national historic Methodist Shrine, ...

Strawbridge Log Meeting House Site

Built in 1764 by Robert Strawbridge, the first Methodist place of worship erected in America. Successors are Stone Chapel (1783) 3 miles northeast, and Bethel (1821) 1 mile south.


Marker is on Marston Road (Maryland Route 407) 0.3 miles east of ...

The Chadron-Chicago Cowboy Race

America’s longest horse race began here June 13, 1893. The 1,000 mile race ended June 27 in Chicago at Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show. The race apparently was the idea of Chadron jokester John G. Maher. Seven of nine riders ...

Cowboy Capital

Nebraska Historical Marker

Named for the Oglala band of Dakota Sioux and located on the Union Pacific Railroad, Ogallala was a lusty cowtown of the Old West. From 1875 to 1886 it was a wild and woolly cowboy capital where gold ...

Solon Hannibal Borglum America's First Cowboy Sculptor

1866 - 1922

This free-spirited Son of the West, sensitive to the changing era in which he lived, portrayed the western epic in marble and bronze. Our "Bucky O'Neill" monumental bronze is among his greatest works, and is acclaimed by art ...

Catawba War Path

Branch of Warrior Trail of the Great Catawba Indian War Path located here where Mason and Dixon Survey crossed Dunkard Creek for third time. Guide, Six Nations Indians’ chief, declared he “would not proceed one step further,” because hostile Delaware ...
