
Results for Western

Western Maryland Station

This is the original station where

President Lincoln’s

train arrived November 18th, 1863.

After the dedication of the National

Cemetery and the delivery of the

Gettysburg Address on November 19th,

the train departed from this station.

Marker can be reached from the intersection of Carlisle Street (U.S. ...

Western Historic Trails Center; Starting the Journey

The Western Historic Trails Center welcomes you to the story of America’s trails west. The trip across the county from the Mississippi to the Pacific required stamina and ingenuity to overcome the challenges of the landscape. Walk along the levee ...

Western Library Association


In the years leading to Ohio statehood in 1803, Ames Township citizens decided to establish a stock-owned circulating library. Since cash was scarce during Ohio's frontier era, some citizens paid for their $2.50 shares by the sale of animal pelts, ...

Southwestern University

Mother of all Texas colleges and universities. Absorbed charters of Rutersville College, Fayette County (1840), and Wesleyan Male and Female College, San Augustine (1844), chartered by the Republic of Texas; McKenzie College, Clarksville (1848), and Soule University, Chappell Hill (1856). ...

Norfolk and Western Passenger Station

The David R. and Susan S. Goode Railwalk

Across the tracks and east is N&W’s last passenger station, now home to the Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau and O. Winston Link Museum.

The little town of Big Lick changed its name ...

Norfolk and Western Railway

The David R. and Susan S. Goode Railwalk

Today’s Norfolk Southern has a colorful predecessor in both or Roanoke’s railroads. To keep this as simple as possible, we are discussing only the N&W history to its merger with the Southern Railway ...

Western Escape

On July 22, during the Black Hawk War of 1832, Sac Indian leader Black Hawk and about 700 followers escaped down the Wisconsin River after the Battle of Wisconsin Heights. Traveling the river in hastily built canoes and rafts or ...

Southwestern University Main Building

Oldest structure on permanent campus. Planned 1895-97 as chapel, library, classrooms, offices, when the regent (president) was Dr. J.H. McLean (1838-1925); built 1898-1900 under regent R.S. Hyer (1860-1929). From throughout the state came building fund gifts, which even included land ...

Western Wall

Temple Mount

The Divine presence never moves from the Western Wall.

Jewish tradition teaches that the Temple

Mount is the focal point of Creation.

In the center of the mountain lies the

“Foundation Stone” of the world.

Here Adam came into ...

Norfolk & Western Caboose #518654

This Norfolk & Western caboose was given to the City of Burlington by Norfolk Southern Railway in 1993. It is symbolic of the railroad roots of the North Carolina Railroad town of Company Shops (1866) which became Burlington in 1893. ...
