
Results for Art

Start of Sheridan's Raid

Here Sheridan, moving from camp, came into the Telegraph Road on his raid to Richmond, May 9, 1864, while Lee and Grant were fighting at Spotsylvania. The 10,000 Union Cavalry filled the road for several miles. Turning from the road ...


At this point J. E. B. Stuart had his headquarters and cavalry camp in December 1862.

Marker is on Jefferson Davis Highway (Virginia Route 1) 0.1 miles south of Lafayette Boulevard (Virginia Route 1), on the right when traveling north.

Courtesy ...

William Bartram Trail

Traced 1773-1777

In 1775, William Bartram wrote in “Travels” of the flora and fauna of this area as he gathered specimens to ship to London.

Marker is on Warwoman Road (County Route 219) 2.7 miles east of U.S. 441, on the right ...

Battery A, Maryland Light Artillery

(Front):Maryland's Tribute

to her loyal sons

Rigby's Maryland Battery A

(Right):Losses in action

Killed 5 - Wounded 18 - Missing 3.

Total 26.

Strength at Gettysburg

Officers 4 - Enlisted men 102.

(Left):Organized at Baltimore, Md.

October 1861

Consolidated with Battery B,

Maryland Light Artillery

March 11, 1865.

(Back):Principal Engagements

Seven Days & Battles ...

Camp Smartt

This staging and training area was established in the summer of 1861 by Benjamin J. Hill, who organized and commanded here the 35th Tenn. Infantry, CSA, until his promotion to Brigadier General. Discontinued for a time, the camp was reactivated ...

12th Corps Headquarters

Army of the Potomac

Army of the Potomac

12th. Corps Headquarters

Major General

Henry W. Slocum

July 1, 2, 3, 4. 1863

Were located on Powers Hill

280 yards westerly

Marker is on Baltimore Pike (State Highway 97), on the right when traveling south.


Officers Quarters – 1776

Mount Independence State Historic Site

“ . . . some of the officers have good framed houses.” -

Dr. Lewis Beebe, September 30, 1776

This fifteen-foot square, well-defined stone foundation may be the remains of quarters for one or more American officers ...

Sacred Heart Church


In 1881, Nellie Cashman aided in building an adobe structure which served as a combination church and rectory; the first Pastor was Father Emmanuel P. Schneider. Another church was built in 1882 and Bishop John B. Salpointe dedicated it in ...

Artillery Saves the Day

January 2, 1863

Confederate infantry started to wade the river. Could they be stopped? Captain John Mendenhall massed 57 guns here. Shot, shell and canister rained on the attackers, costing them almost 16 casualties a minute. The Confederates could not stand ...

Esther Hobart Morris

Proponent of the Legislative Act Which

in 1869 gave distinction to the Territory of


as the 1st government in the world to grant

Women Equal Rights

Marker is at the intersection of Capitol Avenue and 24th Street on Capitol Avenue.

