
Results for Art

Potter's Headquarters / Federal Order Of Battle

(Front text)

Potter's Headquarters

Federal troops commanded by Brig. Gen. Edward E. Potter, on a raid through this area in the last days of the Civil War, advanced to Sumter after defeating a small Confederate force at Dingle’s Mill on April ...

Bragg's Headquarters

Fateful Decisions at Stones River

(Preface): Union Gen. William S. Rosecrans led the Army of the Cumberland from Nashville toward Murfreesboro in December 1862, while Confederate Gen. Braxton Bragg and the Army of the Tennessee occupied the town to protect the ...


Army of Tennessee


Army of Tennessee

General Braxton Bragg

Jan 1. 2. and 3 1863

Marker is on West College Street, on the right when traveling north.


The Purple Heart Trail

The Purple Heart Medal was originated by General George Washington on August 7, 1782 for distinguished valor and is now awarded only to members of the armed forces of the United States, who have been wounded in combat against an ...

Carter's Grove

During the 17th century Carter's Grove was part of the Martin's Hundred Plantation. In the early 1720's, Robert "King" Carter purchased it and later named the tract Carter's Grove. Between 1730 and 1735 Carter Burwell, grandson of Robert "King" Carter, ...

Martin's Hundred Church

The first Martin's Hundred Parish church was probably built at Wolstenholme Town, an early 17th-century settlement that was located a mile southeast of here. None of the structures excavated there have been identified as a church; it may have been ...

Commanding Officer’s Quarters

Governors Island

This imposing residence is the Commanding Officer’s Quarters, also known as the Admiral’s House (after the most recent Coast Guard residents.) Built in the Greek revival style, it was completed in 1843. The house was designed by prominent ...

Martin's Hundred

This plantation was allocated to the London-based Society of Martin's Hundred by 1618 and was later assigned 21,500 acres. It was initially settled in 1620 around Wolstenholme Town, its administrative center, located near the James River. Archaeologists discovered the town ...

Artillery Protects the Supply Line

From this ideal position, Loomis' Battery (1st Michigan Light Artilery - six 2.9" Parrott rifles and Guenther's Battery Co. H, 5th U.S. Artillery - six 12 pdr. Napoleons) smashed Confederate attempts to capture the Nashville Pike, the only supply line ...

Martha Washington's Birthplace

About two miles northeast stood Chestnut Grove, the plantation home of John and Frances Jones Dandridge, where Martha Dandridge, the eldest of eight children, was born on 2 June 1731. She lived there until 15 May 1750, when she married ...
