
Results for Veterans Memorial

Nevada County War & Veterans Memorial

Memorial Grove

Memorial Grove

This plot of land set aside by the City of Nevada. These trees living tributes to our war dead.

This plaque and flagpole erected by the citizens of Nevada City dedicated July 4, 1946 to the ...

Galion Veterans Memorial / Flag Plaza

1776 - 1976

Dedicated in this bicentennial year

to the men and women who

served their country with honor

in all conflicts for freedom

Re-dedicated as “Flag Plaza” this 11th day of November 2006

by the Galion Veterans Memorial Commission

Thanks to all who have served

Marker is ...

Cannon Memorial Park Veterans Monument

[Top Plaque]:

In Honor of our fallen hero

Courtesy of Cannon Memorial Park

[Lower Plaque]:

Although you are gone

your strength to fight for

our lives, property and our

freedom at home will always

be known.

May you sit at the throne of

God with the angels above,

until we meet ...

Vietnam War Veterans Memorial / Dutch City Hall Site

Exploring Downtown

Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

All visitors, whether or not they are old enough to remember the Vietnam War, find this memorial a powerful experience. The simple 1985 granite and glass-block wall, 14 feet high by 70 feet long, is inscribed ...

Western North Carolina Veterans Memorial

[inscriptions, west center interior]

"It is the Veteran:"

It is the Veteran who has given us and defended Freedom of Religion.

It is the Veteran who has given us and defended Freedom of Press.

It is the Veteran who has given us and defended ...

Veterans Memorial

This memorial is solemnly

dedicated to our living war

veterans and to those who

made the supreme sacrifice.

Marker is on North Meridian Street (County Highway E) north of Bowen Road, on the right when traveling north.


Veterans Memorial

(Rehoboth Beach, Delaware)

" Dedicated to Honor the

sacrifice of the men and women

who served our country

in war and peace"

( Left monument:)

C.A.P. Base #2

[List of 4 names]


Flying Anti-submarine Patrol

Former Members of this Base

1967 ...

Yuba County Veterans Memorial

We as a community have committed ourselves to honor our Veterans…the living and the dead.

We must embrace the fact that we are the benefactors of their sacrifices. We must also remember to honor the Veterans who gave the ultimate sacrifice ...

Madison County Veterans’ War Memorial

White stone marker:

This memorial dedicated in memory of all those of Madison County who served our nation in time of war

World War I

Apr. 6, 1917 Nov. 11, 1918

World War II

Dec. 7, 1941 Dec. 31, 1946

Korean War

June 27, 1950 Jan. 31, ...

Walnut Mound Veterans Memorial

Walnut Mound



In Honor of

Those Who

Have Served


Marker can be reached from County Highway N near Gilman Road, on the left when traveling east.

