
Results for Art


Army of the Cumberland


Army of the Cumberland

Maj. Gen. W.S. Rosecrans

Jan 1, 2, and 3 1863

Marker is on Old Nashville Highway, on the right when traveling south.


Martinez-Benicia Ferry

"Gateway to the Gold Fields"

Founded by Dr. Robert Semple in 1847, the Martinez-Benicia ferry was the first established and longest operating ferry service in the S.F. Bay Area. In 1850 Oliver Coffin took over the operation and with his brothers ...

Abandoned Artillery

These two Wiard rifled cannon represent two of the four guns lost by Lt. Alexander Marshall of Battery G 1st Ohio Light Artillery (originally two 12 pdr. howitzers, two 12 pdr Wiard rifles, and two six pdr. Wiard rifles.) These ...

Martin Johnson Heade

1819 - 1904

Noted artist and co-founder of the "luminist" style of landscape painting. Also known for his humingbird studies and floral still lifes. He first studied with Edward and Thomas Hicks in Newtown. Born and raised here; family owned ...

General Greene's Headquarters

150 yards to the east is where Gen. Nathanael Grenne had the headquarters of the American Army during the Battel of Hodkirk Hill April 25, 1781.

Marker is on Broad Street (Route 521) when traveling east.


Museum of Modern Art of Latin America


The OAS collection of contemporary art of the Americas was initiated in 1957 by resolution of the Council of the Organization of American States. In 1976, as part of its program of activities honoring the bicentennial of the independence ...

General Lee's Headquarters

Three blocks north and a half a block west is the Beasley House where General Robert E. Lee had his second headquarters in 1864 during the siege of Petersburg. He moved thence to Edge Hill to be in closer touch ...

Pioneer Brigade Earthworks

The trenches before you were built by the Pioneer Brigade of the Union Army of the Cumberland. After the fighting on the first day of the Battle of Stones River, December 31, 1862, both armies piled dirt, logs, and stone ...

Second Pennsylvania Veteran Heavy Artillery

The Advance Position 2nd Pa. Vet. Heavy Art. July 30, 1864.

Went into action July 30, 1864, 780 men - answered roll call. After battle 286 men; Lost killed and wounded 494 men, including 8 officers.

Marker can be reached from Siege ...

First Maine Heavy Artillery Monument



First Heavy Artillery

in memory of

604 brave members who fell

charging here

June 18, 1864


Maine - Virginia



Members of the

First Maine Heavy Artillery

who were here mortally wounded

June 18, 1864


Members of the

First Maine Heavy Artillery

who were here killed

June 18, 1864


Marker can be reached from Siege ...
