Braddock’s Grave

Here lieth the remains of Major General Edward Braddock who, in command of the 44th and 48th regiments of English Regulars, was mortally wounded in an engagement with the French and Indians under the command of Captain M. de Beaujeu ...

"Siding 16"

1909 - 2009

This Railroad Siding, established in 1909,

was the beginning of the town of


In celebration of its 100th anniversary,

it is with pride that the

Inyokern Chamber of Commerce

contributes this commemorative inscription.

Marker is at the intersection of West Inyokern Road (State Highway ...

Rib Lake Lumber Company

In 1882, speculator J.J. Kennedy constructed a small mill along the shores of Rib Lake, founding the Rib Lake Lumber Company. In spite of several mill fires, the company grew to produce over a billion board feet of lumber. At ...

Company Store


Industrial Historic


Site #14

The brick "L" building was

built in the mid 1800s and

was the third location of

the company store.

Marker is on Wall Street, on the right when traveling west.


Blue Star Memorial Highway

A tribute to the Armed Forces that have defended the United States of America.

Following World War II, the National Council of State Garden Clubs designated certain national roads as "Blue Star Memorial Highway", as a living memorial to "all those ...

Indian Wells

Indian water hole on Joseph R. Walker trail of 1834 where Manly-Jayhawker parties of 1849 found their first water after five days of travel from Argus Range. During 1860's was site of stage and freight station from Los Angeles to ...

Historic Hilltop

Asheville Urban Trail

Colonel Frank Coxe opened the first Battery Park Hotel in 1886. The rambling structure on a hill top became internationally prominent, catering to famous guests. In the early 1920s Edwin W. Groves purchased the property. He built a ...

Attack from the West

July 22, 1864. Gen. George Maney’s div. (Hardee’s A.C.) (CS) attacked the front of Giles Smith’s div., 17th A.C. (US) posted on Flat Shoals Road (Leggett’s Hill to Glenwood), while Cleburne’s div. attacked it from the rear. This forced the ...

Braddock Park

Gen. Edward Braddock was buried here in 1755, after his disastrous defeat and death. The site of his original grave, the new grave to which his remains were moved in 1804, and a trace of the Braddock Road may be ...

Michelle Carew Community Courtyard

This courtyard was dedicated September 17th 1999 in loving memory of Michelle Carew. Her spirited battle against leukemia raised awareness of the National Marrow Donor Program throughout this country. In the process, her legacy has saved countless lives. “When she ...
