
Results for Bridge

Bridge Burners

Hangings at the Depot

After Unionists burned several East Tennessee railroad bridges on November 9, 1861, Confederate engineer Col. Danville Leadbetter soon arrived to rebuild the brides and capture the perpetrators. Later that month, his forces captured Henry Fry, Jacob Hinshaw, ...

5 Arch Bridge

Built 1856-57 by the Genesee Valley RR to span the Conesus Outlet. The 200 ft. long x 12 ft. wide limestone bridge was part of the Rochester-Avon-Geneseo-Mt. Morris Line. Avon became a RR hub connecting Buffalo-Rochester-Corning-Hornell. The line was electrified ...

Spirit of 1775 Beeline March to Cambridge

On 11 June 1775, the Second Continental Congress authorized the raising of ten companies of riflemen in

Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia to aid General George Washington at the British siege of Boston. The Berkeley

County Committee of Safety selected Captain ...

Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial

The Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial site in England, 30.5 acres in total, was donated by the University of Cambridge. It lies on a slope with the west and south sides framed by woodland. The cemetery contains the remains of ...

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Historic Camelback Bridge

The town of Normal was created at the junction of the Illinois Central and the Chicago and Alton Railroads. The Camelback Bridge is the last surviving structure in Normal associated with the railroad. Its location was chosen because here the ...

Hillhouse Avenue Bridge

The original Hillhouse Avenue Bridge was one of fourteen bridges provided by the Farmington Canal Company to carry city streets across the canal. The wooden bridge at this site rested on abutments of unmortared rubble. The New Haven construction firm ...

Bridgeforth High School

Though black public education existed in Giles County by 1869, Bridgeforth was the first black high school. Designed by America's first black architectural firm, McKissack and McKissack, which had the local roots, and named for black educator J. T. Bridgeforth, ...

The Bainbridge Volunteers

The Bainbridge Volunteers


The Bainbridge Independents

Organized 1859, by Captain Charles G. Campbell, assembled here in March 1861 and entered service under the command of Captain John W. Evans as Company G, 1st Georgia Regiment

Marker can be reached from the intersection ...

Red Oak Creek Covered Bridge

This bridge was built in the 1840s by freed slave and noted bridge builder Horace King (1807-1885). Constructed on the Town lattice design, the bridge’s web of planks crisscrossing at 45- to 60-degree angles are fastened at each intersection with ...

The Builders of the Bridge

Dedicated to the memory of Emily Warren Roebling 1843-1903 whose faith and courage helped her stricken husband Col. Washington A. Roebling, C.E. 1837-1926 complete the construction of this bridge from the plans of his father John A. Roebling, C.E. 1806-1869 ...
