
Results for First Baptist Church

First Baptist Church of Kountze

The Baptist Church of Hardin was organized in 1860 with Pastor D.W. Jordan. When the railroad bypassed Hardin (then the county seat) in 1881, area residents began moving to nearby Kountze. Hardin Baptists are believed to have followed, probably meeting ...

First Baptist Church

Built 1849 by members.

Square nails; hand-sawn lumber. Pegs join sills, floors, framing.

Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1965

Marker is on Loop Road 177 north of Farm to Market Road 350, on the right when traveling north.


First Baptist Church

Organized 1818, oldest church in Tuscaloosa County. First building was of logs. A brick structure completed 1830 and larger one at this site 1884. Educational building erected 1924 and present sanctuary 1958. Sunday School organized here 1830. Influenced by leadership ...

New Hope First Baptist Church and Cemetery

Although Baptist worship services may have been conducted in this area as early as 1848, this church was not formally chartered until 1868. On October 22 of that year the organizational meeting was held in the home of James M. ...

First Ebenezer Baptist Church

This congregation began when a handful of slaves gathered for services on the Rhodes Plantation in August 1812. In 1851 Absalom A. Rhodes sold a quarter acre of land here for two dollars to the deacon board of Ebenezer Baptist ...

First Baptist Church

In 1834 thirteen Jackson pioneers established the Barry-Jackson Baptist Church in Sandstone Township. Five years later the Reverend David Hendee and seventeen members of that church formed the First Baptist Church in Jackson. Meetings were held in several locations until ...

First Baptist Church

On February 14, 1829, twelve persons met and organized under the name Ephesus Baptist Church of Columbus. The northern half of this block had been designated for religious purposes in the state survey of 1828, and a small meeting house ...

First Baptist Church

Organized as Cool Springs Baptist Church in John Bostick home in 1848-met there until 1855, about 500 feet west. First log Meeting House and Cemetery on Vance Street, 1855-1867. Second church house located in present Cool Springs Cemetery, 1867-1889. Church ...

First Baptist Church

Organized in 1820, this is the church's third downtown location. The elaborate Gothic tower is all that remains of the Matthews & Thompson building that stood at this location from 1886 to 1967. The Baptist Sunday School Board, now one ...

First African Baptist Church

The initial congregation of this church was formed by slaves who had attended Ephesus Baptist Church (later First Baptist), since its organization on February 14, 1829. When a new church was built in 1840 the slaves worshipped in the older ...
