
Results for Korea

Korean War Veterans Memorial

Freedom Is Not Free

Kansas honors her uniformed

sons and daughters

who answered their

country's call to

defend a country

they did not know

and a people they

had never met

Over a million and a half U.S. Soldiers

served ...

Swampscott Korean War Honor Roll

Korean War Honor Roll

James S. Abbott • Henry E. Ackler, Jr. • George Richard Adams • George V. Anderson • Jay H. Anderson • Loring H. Anderson • Victor M. Antoniello • George H. Arrington • George J. Arroll • ...

Marblehead World War II – Korean War Monument

[ left panel ]

World War II

1941 – 1946

Richard W. Ahlman Jr. • James S. Baily Jr. • Clifford G. Barry • Sidney A. Benson • James E. Brophy • Charles L. Carlson • John W. Clark Jr. • Frederick T. ...

Montgomery County Korean War Veterans

In grateful memory of the men and women of Montgomery County who fought for God and country on the field of honor in the Korean War

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: age shall not ...

Meriden Korea – Vietnam Memorial

In memory


the citizens

of Meriden

who answered


country’s call


1961 – 1975

Earl Bauchmann • Michael Chmura • Albert Christy • Wayne Cyr • Louis Dagle • Richard Hensley • Edward Jurek • Frank Kiewlen • Patrick King ...

Bethlehem Korean War Memorial

Roll of Honor

Dedicated to the men and women of the town of Bethlehem

who served their country during

the Korean War June 25, 1950 – January 3, 1955

Adams, Glen C., Sr. • Anderson, Richard O. • Bate, Curtiss • ...

Beverly Korean War Memorial

Korean War

1950 – 1953

Dedicated to Honor the Sacrifice of Our

Servicemen and Women of Beverly Who

Served and Those Who Gave Their Lives.

"For Those Who Have Had to Fight For It,

Life Has a Flavor the Protected

Will Never Know."

"You Have Never Lived:

"Til You ...

Gloucester Korean – Vietnam Veterans Monument

[ bay side ]

In Memory Of

Korean Veterans

June 27 1950 – Jan 31 1955

Dedicated In 1980

By The Citizens Of


[ land side ]

In Memory Of

Vietnam Veterans

Aug 5 1964 – May 7 1975

Dedicated In 1980

By A Grateful City

Marker is at the intersection of ...

Cooper County Korea - Vietnam War Memorial

In memory of those from

Cooper County who served and died

in Korea and Vietnam


George W. Shelby

Kelly C. Odneal


Robert E. Jenry

Millard F. Meadows

Robert W. Moore

Marker is on Main Street (Missouri Route 5/87) near High Street, on the right when traveling north.

Courtesy ...

Milford Korea - Vietnam Monument

[ southeast side ]

“We mourn the fallen,

We grieve for the missing,

We celebrate the return of

Our valiant men and women”

[ northeast side ]


1961 – 1973

[ southwest side ]


1950 – ...
