
Results for Virginia V

First Balloon Flight in Virginia

On May 7, 1801, J. S. Watson, a student at William and Mary, wrote a letter detailing attempts at flying hot air balloons on the Court House Green. The third balloon, decorated with sixteen stars, one for each of the ...

West Virginia/Virginia

Side A:West Virginia (Pocohontas County)"The Mountain State"-western part of the Commonwealth of Virginia until June 20, 1863. Settled by the Germans and Scotch-Irish. It became a line of defense between the English and French during the French and Indian War, ...

West Virginia/Highland County

Side A:West VirginiaWest Virginia was long a part of Virginia. Morgan Morgan began the settlement of the region in 1727. A great battle with the Indians took place at Point Pleasant, 1774. West Virginia became a separate state of the ...

Battery C, First West Virginia Artillery

Erected by the State of

West Virginia

to commemorate the

valor and fidelity

of Battery C

First West Virginia Artillery

Marker can be reached from Taneytown Road (State Highway 134), on the right when traveling north.


First Catholic Church in Virginia

A. D. 1795

This stone taken from the canal of the Potomac Company of which Washington and Fitzgerald were Directors commemorates the erection of the First Catholic Church in Virginia, A. D. 1795, which stood until 1839 about twenty feet behind ...

Pope’s Army of Virginia

On 26 June 1862, President Abraham Lincoln appointed Maj. Gen. John Pope to command the Union army that operated in Virginia. The Corps led by Maj. Gen.

Franz Sigel, who had recently replaced Maj. Gens. John C. Frémont, posted around ...

Washington, Virginia

The First of Them All

Of the 28 Washingtons in the United States, the “records very conclusively disclose” that this town, “the first Washington of all,” was surveyed and platted by George Washington on the 24th of July (old style), 1749. ...


(Left Side):In memory of

the 398 Virginia soldiers.

Lying in this cemetery.

Who fell in defence of

constitutional liberty and

the sovereignty of their state.

From 1861 to 1865. A.D.

(Back):Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.

(Right Side):Erected by

The ladies of the Virginia

Shaft Association of Winchester

June 6th, ...

Various Sections of Virginia Artillery

July 21, 1861 2:00 p.m.

Army of the Potomac (Beauregard) and Army of the Shenandoah (Johnston), CSA

Loudoun Artillery

Capt. Arthur L. Rogers

Wise Artillery

Capt. Ephraim G. Alburtis

Rockbridge Artillery

Capt. William N. Pendleton

Staunton Artillery

Capt. John D. Imboden

Thomas Artillery

Capt. Philip B. Stanard

"The ground occupied by our ...

Washington, Virginia

The First of Them All

Of the 28 Washingtons in the United States, the “records very conclusively disclose” that this town, “the first Washington of all,” was surveyed and platted by George Washington on the 24th of July (old style), 1749. ...
