Sand Cave

Floyd Collins was first to explore Sand Cave. Fallen rock trapped him in narrow passage 150 ft. from entrance, Jan. 30, 1925. Rescuers reached him with food and heat for short time. Aid cut off by shifting earth closing passage. ...

Maryland Historical Society

The Maryland Historical Society (MdHS) is the state's oldest continuously operating cultural institution. Founded in 1844, it was first located in the Athenaeum at St. Paul and Saratoga Streets. In 1919 it moved to its current location on W. Monument ...

Vodak Memorial Park

Joseph A. Vodak 1898 – 1974

Julia Wopat Vodak 1903 – 1985

The Vodak family moved to North Freedom in 1927 from Hillsboro, Wis. Joe operated a sawmill at railroad museum location and a lumber shop at this site.

Joe and Julia were ...

The Enoch Pratt House

Enoch Pratt (1806-1896) moved to Baltimore in 1831 to launch a wholesale hardware business on South Charles Street. By 1851 he had invested in western Maryland coal mines and iron foundries in the Baltimore neighborhood of Canton. He made his ...


[ front ]


The town was settled in 1738 and incorporated in 1739. Many of the early residents came from Wallingford and Farmington. The Congregational Church was founded in 1740. An Episcopal society existed prior to 1776. During the 1800's a ...

Salem Academy

Bardstown's first school, 1788, formed by Va. act. James Priestley, the noted educator, in charge. One class of Kentuckians later noted in life consisted of John Rowan, Judge and US Senator; Joe Daveiss, lawyer and hero in Battle of Tippecanoe; ...

The Underground Railroad / Black Conductors of Columbus

The Underground Railroad was neither underground nor a

railroad, but a system of loosely connected safe havens

where those escaping the brutal conditions of slavery

were sheltered, fed, clothed, nursed, concealed, disguised,

and instructed during their journey to freedom. Although

this movement was one of ...

Logan’s 15th Corps at Swaintown

May 23, 1864. Maj. Gen. John A. Logan’s 15th A.C. [US], camped here at Euharlee Cr., on the site of old Swaintown while Maj. Gen. G.M. Dodge’s 16th A.C. [US] camped at Peek’s Spring one mile Northwest.

These two A.C., comprising ...

U.S. Post Office and Courthouse

James A. Wetmore, Architect

This impressive limestone building with its two-story Ionic colonnade is one of Madison's finest examples of the neo-classical revival style. Wetmore was acting supervising architect for the Department of the Treasury and this and similar designs were ...

Locomotive "General"

This Tablet marks the spot at which the


was captured by Andrews Raiders

morning of April 12th, 1862

Capt. Jas.J. Andrews , with twenty volunteers from Sill's Brigade, Mitchell's Corps, U.S.A. and a citizen of Kentucky, all dressed as civilians, captured the ...
