
Results for Art

May-Hartwell Site 1660-1699

Evidence from wills, deeds, land plats, patents, and court cases helps to identify structures excavated by archaeologists. When historians digitalized two 17th-century land plats and superimposed them on a modern map of Jamestown, they matched a framed structure that stood ...

Earthquakes Along the Mississippi

Why are there quakes along the Mississippi River?

Geologists have many theories but do not know why quakes occur around New Madrid, Missouri. They do agree that the geology of the Mississippi valley is unique because of Reelfoot rift and the ...

William Bartram Trail

Traced 1773-1777

In 1773 William Bartram, here viewed Woodmanston Plantation, later the home of his friend,

Naturalist John E. LeConte.

Marker is on Barrington Ferry Road 1 mile south of Sandy Run Road.


Headquarters Troop 28th Division

Home Station, Sunbury, Pa.

Memorial to the men

who served with this

organization and to those

who gave their lives while

in service during the

First World War

Marker is at the intersection of Old Boalsburg Road and Boal Avenue (U.S. 322) on Old Boalsburg Road.

Courtesy ...

Battery D, Second U.S. Artillery

Artillery Brigade - Sixth Corps

Army of the Potomac

Sixth Corps

Artillery Brigade

Battery D Second U.S. Artillery

Four Light 12 Pounders

Lieut. Edward B. Williston commanding

July 2 Arrived with the Corps and took position and remained on Taneytown Road.

Not engaged.

Marker is on Taneytown Road (State ...

Battle of Carthage Memorial

In memory of

The Brave Men

who fell July 5, 1861,

in the Battle of Carthage.

C. S. M. A.

Mrs. Cindarilla F. Mealy, Pres.

Mrs. Lucinda Hampton, [?]

Marker is on Budlong Street near U.S. 71, on the right when traveling west.


Lighthouse Keeper's Quarters

Most free standing light houses were accompanied by "keeper's quarters," which housed the light keepers and their families. The Piney Point Lighthouse and keeper's quarters were built in 1836 by John Donahoo of Havre de Grace.

The original brick structure measured ...

Headquarters Site

Headquarters Site

Nearby stood the home of Col.

Thomas Ellison, used by Gen.

Washington as his Hqts. from

June-July 1779 & Dec. 1780 to

June 1781, here the attack on

Stony Point was planned.

New Windsor

Town Historian

Marker is at the intersection ...

"The Stuart Little Pond"

In the spring of 1953, Eleanor Olney Spicer age 12 was walking her dog, a toy Manchester terrier named Stuart Little, after the children's book, Stuart Little by E.B. White. Suddenly Stuart noticed a small animal and chased it into ...

Battery I, First Regiment New York Light Artillery

2nd Division

(Front):Battery I, First Regiment N.Y. Light


Capt. M. Wiedrich, Commanding

2nd. Division 11th. Corps,

July 1st. 2nd. & 3rd. 1863.


3 killed, 10 wounded.

Marker is on Baltimore Pike (State Highway 97), on the right when traveling north.

