
Results for Bridge

Bunker Hill Covered Bridge

One of the last surviving covered bridges in North Carolina, built in 1894, stands 500 yards north on Lyles Creek.

Marker is on U.S. 70.


Town Back Creek and Stone Bridge

Town Back Creek, extend­ing east­wardly from the Elizabeth River almost to St. Paul’s Church, was the north­ern end of the orig­i­nal town of Norfolk. By the early 1800’s new res­i­den­tial devel­op­ment had occurred north of the creek. Two early foot­bridges ...

Harry Bridges Memorial


Panel 1:

Harry Bridges

1901 – 1990


of the ILWU

Panel 2:

Harry Bridges was an Australian seaman who came ashore and started longshoring in San Francisco in 1922. Unsafe working conditions, corrupt hiring practices and low wages ...

84 Bridge Street

ACCORD Freedom Trail

Trinity United Methodist Church is the oldest congregation in historic Lincolnville and one of the oldest Protestant congregations in Florida. Its origins date to the early American period, in the 1820s, when a Methodist missionary came to St. ...

Last Covered Bridge

(Built 1876 – Retired 1962)

This bridge was built by the Town of Cedarburg on petition of neighboring farmers to replace periodically washed out bridges. Pine logs, cut and milled at Baraboo, were fitted and set in place in lattice truss ...

Gilpin’s Falls Covered Bridge

Built circa 1860, the bridge is one of the few covered ones left in Maryland and the only one on public ground in Cecil County. The area to the East has been the site of several mills, the earliest Samuel ...

Plummer Bridge

This bridge dedicated

in memory of

Lenox Eugene Plummer

1914 - 1979

Fayetteville City Councilmember

for twenty four years

who encouraged this city to

“Always feed everyone

out of the same spoon”

John W. Hurley, Mayor

City Council

J. L. Dawkins • Mildred Evans

Aaron Johnson • Jimmie Jones

Milo McBryde • Milton ...

Battle for the Bridge

The Foundry Fight

On April 20, 1863, Confederate Gens. William E. “Grumble” Jones and John D. Imboden began a raid from Virginia through present-day West Virginia against the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Taking separate routes, they later reported that they marched ...

Attack at Goose Creek Bridge

“Take That Bridge At All Hazards”

Leapfrogging westward in a delaying action against advancing Union cavalry June 21, 1863, the rear guard of Confederate Gen. J.E.B. Stuart, commanded by Gen. Wade Hampton, took up a strong position on the steep ridge ...

U. S. NTC Bainbridge

This monument is dedicated to shipmates of the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard assigned to the U. S. Naval Training Center from 1942 to 1975.

Marker can be reached from Mariner Park off Main Street 0.4 miles south of Center ...
