
Results for L

Longmire Area

The first settler upon the slopes of the mountain was James Longmire, "a pioneer of that old school who felt cramped for room if they had neighbors on more than one side of them." He "blazed a trail up Nisqually ...

UNESCO World Heritage Site- Elephanta Caves

The 'City of Caves', on an island in the Sea of Oman close to Bombay, contains a collection of rock art linked to the cult of Shiva. Here, Indian art has found one of its most perfect expressions, particularly the ...

Sidney Yates Building (Auditors Building Complex)

The structure now known as the Sydney Yates Building began its life as the Auditors Building Complex and was originally home to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Established in 1861, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing quickly outgrew its ...

Chaney Glacier

Glacier National Park’s namesake glaciers have receded rapidly since the park’s establishment in 1910. In 1997, the United States Geological Survey began the Repeat Photography Project with a systematic search for historic photographs of glaciers in the vast collection of ...

Triple Divide Peak

Triple Divide Peak is a hydrological apex, meaning its 8,000-foot peak’s watershed eventually drains into the Arctic, Atlantic, and Pacific oceans. Winters in Glacier National Park are known for their massive accumulations of snow. The average snowfall in the high ...

Trail of the Cedars

On the Trail of the Cedars along Avalanche Creek, and on the Johns Lake Trail, visitors walk through some of the shadiest parts of the park. Huge western red cedars, hemlocks and cottonwoods absorb nearly all the direct sunlight in ...

Logan Pass

Glacier National Park, in partnership with the University of Montana and Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, will continue mountain goat research activities this summer in the Logan Pass area. The three-year research study began late summer of 2013 to identify ...

McDonald Valley

Complexities of the forest food web are also illustrated on a very small scale by the red-backed vole in Glacier Park's west-side old growth forests. The voles eat mostly fungus, so they flourish in the dark undergrowth-free ancient forests of ...

Bowman Lake

Several high, pristine fishless lakes in the park have been stocked with non-native sportfish species. The idea was to provide increased opportunities for recreational angling. During earlier periods there was little appreciation for the integrity and complexity of aquatic systems ...

North Boundary Trail

Lying as it does immediately adjacent to Waterton Lakes National Park in Canada, the two parks separated only by the thickness of an imaginary boundary line, Glacier National Park cannot be separated geographically from its neighboring recreational area. The two ...
