
Results for Art

Murder of Captain Hart

Captain Nathaniel G. T. Hart, brother-in-law of Henry Clay and inspector general of American Army of the Northwest under Harrison, was killed here during the massacre of the River Raisin January 22 - 23, 1813.

Captain Hart, wounded in battle, ...

Partners In History

Friday, Aug. 27, 1847…made a contract and entered in partnership with Marshall for a sawmill to be built on the Amer. Fork.

So wrote John Augustus Sutter, methodically recording the agreement that led to California’s astonishing gold rush. Sutter left Germany ...

Bekeart’s Gun Shop

Jules Francois Bekeart was a gunsmith who came here in 1849 to mine gold and soon became a close friend of James Marshall. The hard labor of gold mining was not to his liking, so “Frank” Berkeart started a highly ...

Stewart County Academy and Masonic Building

This building was erected in 1831 in NW Lumpkin to house the “Stewart County Academy,” the first academy in the county. In 1842, it became the “Lumpkin Independent Academy” for boys only, owned by local stockholders. In 1841, the first ...

Site of Martin Wagon Company

David Webster Martin (d. 1916) and his two sons opened a small wagon shop here in 1908. An inventor and designer, Martin developed various wagons for use in the lumber industry. In partnership with B.L. Zeagler, he incorporated the operation ...

Enslaved Africans in the Household of George and Martha Washingt

At various times during Washington's stay in Philadelphia, nine enslaved Africans were known to have lived and worked here at the President's House. They were dynamic participants in the daily life of the presidential household and the surrounding city. Painstaking ...

Gen. George H. Thomas' Headquarters

Army of the Cumberland [US]

In field west of rd., where right of 14th joined left of 20th corps [US].

From this point, June 27, Gen. Thomas [US] directed the assault of 5 brigades of 4th and 14th Corps, against Hardee’s Corps ...

Old Mission of the Sacred Heart

Opened for services in 1853, this is the oldest building in Idaho.

Black-robed Jesuits founded the mission on the St. Joe River in 1842, but moved here is 1846 and raised this imposing building in a complete wilderness. Dwellings and outbuildings ...

Sherman's Headquarters

Green-Meldrim Mansion

General William Tecumseh Sherman used this house as headquarters from Dec. 22, 1864, until Feb. 1, 1865. Charles Green offered the use of his home to General Sherman and his staff. Sherman's chaplain conducted the Christmas services in St. ...

1890 Seattle Fire Department Bell

This bell is the remaining symbol of the leap made by city leaders to establish and equip a professional firefighting force after the Great Seattle Fire of June 6, 1889. On that day, the young metropolis of Seattle was devastated ...
