
Results for R

Twentieth Century Mining-Mineral County

In December 1869, the miners struck gold at Cedar Creek and a stampede ensued. As early as 1875, four towns had been built and abandoned as miners exhausted the placer mining in the area and moved on to other claims. ...

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Llao Rock

The great cliff of Llao Rock is composed of rhyodacite lava (PErh; 70.5%–72% SiO2) that was emplaced about 170,000–120,000 years ago. Llao Rock dominates the northwestern caldera wall and is in striking contrast to the underlying andesite flows. By contrast, ...

UNESCO World Heritage Site- City of Potosí

In the 16th century, this area was regarded as the world’s largest industrial complex. The extraction of silver ore relied on a series of hydraulic mills. The site consists of the industrial monuments of the Cerro Rico, where water is ...

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Sun Creek

When Crater Lake National Park was established in 1902, native Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) occupied many streams and rivers of southern Oregon's Upper Klamath Basin. Within Crater Lake National Park, Bull Trout occurred naturally in Sun Creek and lower Annie ...

Crater Lake Lodge

Crater Lake Lodge was renovated in the 1990s but first opened in 1915. Located here is the Great Hall and history exhibits.

Crater Lake Lodge was built to encourage tourism to Crater Lake National Park and southwestern Oregon. It opened to ...

Bridge Creek Springs

The purpose of the park is stated in its establishing act signed into law by President Theodore Roosevelt on May 22, 1902. The park was to be an area "dedicated and set apart forever as a public park or pleasure ...

Discovery Point

On the back of a mule, the gold prospector, John Hillman, became the first European American to stumble across what he called the “Deep Blue Lake”.

In the spring of 1853, eleven miners from Yreka, California, stopped for supplies at Isaac ...

UNESCO World Heritage Site- Temple of Preah Vihear

Situated on the edge of a plateau that dominates the plain of Cambodia, the Temple of Preah Vihear is dedicated to Shiva. The Temple is composed of a series of sanctuaries linked by a system of pavements and staircases over ...

Pinnacles Overlook

The Pinnacles are chimneys formed when hot ash cooled after the big eruption. Formed during the same eruption that gave birth to the lake, these colorful volcanic spires are tucked away in the park’s southeast corner.

Pinnacles Overlook is a colorful ...

Wizard Island

Rising some 763 feet above the water, this island is an excellent example of the smallest type of volcanic cone. The summit of this perfect little cone is a crater about 90 feet deep and 300 feet in diameter. The ...
