Las Vegas Springs

The San Pedro, Salt Lake and Los Angeles Railroad bought Helen Stewart's Las Vegas Ranch in 1902, giving it control of the Las Vegas Springs and the water supply needed for the creation of Las Vegas in 1905. The railroad's ...

Gaines' Mill

1862 Seven Days' Battles

(left panel)

Visiting Richmond National Battlefield Park

The concentration of Civil War resources found in the Richmond area is unparalleled. The National Park Service manages 13 sites, giving visitors an opportunity to examine the battlefield landscapes, to hear the ...

Shoal Point and Half Moon Shoal Lighthouse

A number of families settled along Galveston Bay in the 1830s after land grants were awarded to veterans of the republic of Texas army and navy. An early community at this site became known officially as Shoal Point in 1878 ...

Site of Austinia

Empresario Stephen F. Austin urged Mexico to improve foreign trade by establishing ports in the Galveston area as early as 1825. Historical references suggest Austinia was settled in the 1830s as part of Austin's foreign trade efforts in this area. ...

Hendy Stamp Mill / Hendy's "California" Stamp Mill

Hendy Stamp Mill

During the California Gold Rush, Hendy Iron Works built mining and stamp mill machinery exclusively. They supplied mining operations around the world with 5-stamp mills that could operate as a single unit or as multiple units of up ...

Camp Sulphur Springs

The army of

Maj. General Arthur St. Clair

camped on the ridge to the east

from Sunday evening, October 30th,

until the morning of November 2nd 1791,

awaiting the forwarding of flour,

tents and heavy baggage. The troops

had advanced seven miles from

Greenville Creek following the ...

Warner Memorial Road

This enduring highway connecting

Baraboo with Devils Lake was made

possible through the generosity of

Wilbur William Warner

(1850 – 1916)

Whose boyhood home was here.

To his cherished memory this tablet

is gratefully dedicated

October 1921

Marker can be reached from County Road D1, ...

Wedell's Corner

9th Street and 4th Ave. South

Site, childhood home of Jimmy (1900-1934) and Walter (1901-1935) Wedell - aviation pioneers. Jimmy designed, built, raced planes with financier Harry Williams Operated early airline at time of death in crash, held world's land plane ...

Woodmen of the World

On this site

Woodmen of the World

Life Insurance Society

was organized

June 6, 1890

Marker is on Farnam Street, on the left when traveling west.


Camp Stillwater

The army of

Major General Anthony Wayne

camped on the rising ground immediately

eastward on the night of July 28th, 1794 A.D.

After advancing twelve miles from headquarters

at Fort Greene Ville on the expedition against

the Indian tribes of the Maumee Valley.

The encampment was about ...
