
Results for Art

Stewart's Advance


The battle opened with great fury. To your left, Donelson's brigade hurled themselves against the Union lines, but their attack momentarily stalled. In the fields to your right, Maney's Confederate brigade also assaulted the Federal position.

To support these troops, Brigadier ...

Artillery Brigade

First Corps

Army of the Potomac

First Corps

Artillery Brigade

Col. Charles S. Wainwright

Maine 2d Battery B Six 3 inch Rifles

Capt. James A. Hall

Maine 5th Battery E Six 12 pounders

Captain Greenleaf T. Stevens, Lieut. Edward K. Whittier

1st New York Battery L Four 3 inch ...

Battery L, 1st New York Light Artillery

Erected 1891 by the State

of New York to commemorate

the detached men of Battery "E",

First N.Y. Lt. Artillery ser-

ving with "L" (Reynolds). - These

works were built and held by

Battery L, Lieutenant George

Beck commanding against as-

saults of infantry and artil-

lery during the ...

Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial


“With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of ...

Fifth New York Light Artillery

Artillery Reserve - Second Volunter Brigade

Army of the Potomac

Artillery Reserve

Second Volunteer Brigade

Fifth New York Light Artillery

Six 20 pounder Parrotts

Captain Elijah D. Taft Commanding

July 2 Arrived and halted in park about 10.30 a.m. Moved to the Cemetery at 3.30 p.m. and ...

Lee's Quarters

Robert E. Lee, future Confederate General, was stationed at Fort Monroe 1831-1834 as a lieutenant of engineers. He had almost complete charge of construction and put the finishing touches on the fort. Lee's first child was born here in 1832.

Marker ...

Battery B, Fourth U.S. Artillery

Artillery Brigade - First Corps

Army of the Potomac

First Corps

Artillery Brigade

Battery B Forth U.S. Artillery

Six 12 pounders

Lieut. James Stewart commanding

July 1 In position about 200 yards south of the Seminary until 3 p.m. when ordered to the support of Brig. General ...

Civil War Artillery

This is one of several replicas of 10-pound Parrott Guns (cannon) located in this area. Its maximum effective range was about 2500 yards. The Parrott was a muzzled-loaded rifled canon varying from the 10 to 250 pound projectile size. It ...

Colonial Industrial Quarter

1741 - 1800

“They have carried the mechanical Arts to greater Perfection here than in any Place which I have seen.”

John Adams to Abigail Adams

April, 1777

Early Industrial History

By 1745, only four years after they founded Bethlehem (1741), the Moravians, a modern ...

Crown Forces Artillery Park

When Burgoyne ordered his army into retreat, the Crown Forces Artillery Park – located on the flat area below and to your right – became a scene of frantic activity. The artillery equipment assembled there – larger field guns and ...
