Hardee's, Hood's & French's H’dq’rs.

Site of Dr. Augustus Smith house, 1864.

May 23: Gen. Wm. J. Hardee’s [CS] headquarters during the march of his Corps from Stegall’s Station (Emerson) to points south.

May 24: Gen. John B. Hood [CS] spent night here enroute with ...

Augustus Hurt House

200 yds. N.E. stood the plantation residence of Augustus F. Hurt (1830-1921), built 1858 and razed by Federal forces, 1864; erroneously cited in Official Records as the Howard house.

July 22, 1864. 4th & 23d A.C. troops, in line with Federal ...

Jackson County War Monument

This Monument is to Honor all the Men & Women of Jackson County who served Honorably. In the Armed Forces of the United States and in Memory of those who

gave their lives for their Country

Marker is on Fair Street.

Courtesy ...

Little Meadows

General Braddock's 4th camp on the march to Fort Duquesne June 17, 1755. Washington arrived here after Braddock's defeat July 15th, 1755. Washington also stopped here May 9th, 1754, July 7th or 8th, 1754, October 1st, 1770, November 26th, 1770 ...

Benvenue Manor

Benvenue Manor was built in 1816 by George Henry Mueller near the Old Venango Trail. Stone for the manor was quarried on the property. St. Paul's Lutheran Church , Zelienople, was founded here. Also on the property is Sunrise Cottage, ...


Birthplace of Ridgely Brown, CSA, 1833–1864. May 15, 1862, with seventeen young Marylanders he organized First Maryland cavalry. He served consistently and gallantly, rising from Private to Lt. Colonel. Killed at South Anna River, Virginia, June 1, 1864.

Marker is on ...

Bowling Green / Sports Museum of America

Exploring Downtown

Bowling Green

This little patch of green surrounded by grand Broadway office buildings survives as New York City’s oldest public park – Bowling Green. It served as a cattle pasture and a parade ground before being designated in 1733 as ...

Veterans Memorial

This memorial is solemnly

dedicated to our living war

veterans and to those who

made the supreme sacrifice.

Marker is on North Meridian Street (County Highway E) north of Bowen Road, on the right when traveling north.


Margaret Mitchell

Margaret Mitchell (November 8, 1900 - August 16, 1949) spent her girlhood and young ladyhood in the home of her father, which stood here. Her family had lived in Atlanta since the city’s earliest days. She was born and lived ...

Grant's May 18th Attack

Following the fight for the "Bloody Angle," Lee constructed this new line of works across the base of the Muleshoe. Unwilling to attack the Confederates in their new position, Grant shifted east toward the Fredericksburg Road (modern Route 208). When ...
