Bridgewater Veterans

[Front Marker:]

Bridgewater Veterans


Daniel B. Bianchi, WWII • Peter Blicher, Jr.,WWII • Martin Carlson, Korean • James T. Cuddy, Korean • William J. Cuddy, Korean • George S. DeVoe, WWII • Richard J. Flaig, WWII • Edward L. Gale, WWII • ...

Newlin’s Mill Millstone

Newlin's Mill was located on the west side of Brookeville in the vicinity of Brookeville Road and Market Street (Route 97) and was operated from the early 19th century to the early 20th century. This versatile mill sawed lumber, pressed ...

Civil War Earthworks

The gentle mounds that meander through Spotsylvania Court House battlefield once looked like the reconstructed earthwork in front of you. The armies built more than 12 miles of trenches here, using whatever tools they could find. Lee's last line, extending ...

Berkeley Y.M.C.A.

City of Berkeley Landmark - designated in 1990

Originating among working class Englishmen in 1844, the Young Men's Christian Association was brought to North America in 1851 to promote a "full and balanced life" through religious devotion and athletic activity. Berkeley's ...

Old Acoma "Sky City"

Legend describes Acoma as a "place that always was". Archaeological evidence shows it has been occupied since at least the 13th century. Established on this

mesa for defensive purposes, Acoma was settled by inhabitants of nearby pueblos which had been ...

Church Hill Road Bridge

This covered bridge, over Middle Run, Elkrun Township, Columbiana County, is the shortest covered bridge in the United States still standing on a once-used public highway, having a clear span of 19 feet and 3 inches. It is an example, ...

Harrison House Site

This post-war photograph of the Harrison House and farm was taken from the northwest not far from where the trail crossed the paved road. Lt. Gen. Richard S. Ewell, commanding the Confederates defending the salient, made his headquarters here on ...

Voyage to Virginia

The ships traveled to Virginia using the favorable southerly route across the Atlantic Ocean, taking advantage of trade winds and stopping at numerous islands to resupply. Cramped, unsanitary conditions and unrelenting boredom created tension and conflict among the passengers. After ...

Olney House

Also known as “Little Olney”. Built by Whitson Canby c. 1800. Roger Brooke acquired the property for his daughter Sarah and her husband Dr. Charles Farquhar in 1822. They named the home after the town of Olney, England, the hometown ...

James Fort

The English settlers in Virginia soon built a fort in order to protect themselves from raids by the Spanish and local Indians. The fort re-created here was described by an English settler in 1610 as triangular in shape with walls ...
