
Results for Erie

Batteries C & F, Pennsylvania Independent Light Artillery

C & F

Indp't Penn'a


Position occuped

Indp't Pa. Art'y F

Hampton's Battery

July 3rd A.D. 1863

Organized at Pittsburg Pa

Oct. 8th 1861

Mustered out of United States Service

June 24th 1865

On this field the following members ...

Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins

In a landmark decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1938 that, in cases between citizens of different states, federal courts must apply state common law, not federal "general common law." Under Pennsylvania common law, Harry Tompkins of Hughestown lost ...

Erie Area Native Americans

Native American influence on this area of northwestern Pennsylvania pre-date the 1492 encounter by at least 13,500 years.

Erie County is named after its first known inhabitants, the Erie Nation.

The Erie Nation, also known as the Cat Nation, bordered other aboriginal ...

Batteries B & L, Second U.S. Artillery

First Brigade - Horse Artillery - Cavalry Corps

Army of the Potomac

Cavalry Corps

First Brigade Horse Artillery

Batteries B & L Second U.S. Artillery

Six 3 inch Rifles

Lieut. Edward Heaton Commanding

July 2 Arrived near the battlefield at ...

Federal Batteries on Tybee Island

Between February 21 and April 9, 1862, Federal troops under Gen. Quincy A. Gillmore erected 36 guns in 11 batteries, extending eastwardly on Tybee Island from Lazeretto Creek opposite Fort Pulaski. Two of the Federal batteries consisted of rifled cannon. ...

Wabash and Erie Canal

Constructed 1832-1853, canal was nation's longest, connecting Lake Erie at Toledo with Ohio River at Evansville. Key portion in Carroll County included Deer Creek Lake Dam, constructed 1838-1840 (1 mile west). Various canal structures are still in evidence.

Marker is on ...

Civil War Cemeteries

Buried with Honor

Civil War soldiers and veterans are buried in Calvary Episcopal Churchyard and Old Town Cemetery. Among the

fifty Confederates interred in the churchyard are Gen. William Dorsey Pender and Lt. Col. John L. Bridges. In May 1863,

Pender ...

Ohio and Erie Canal

The Ohio and Erie Canal, built between 1825 and 1832, had a significant influence on Ohio's economy. In the early 19th century Ohio was largely rural and dependent on subsistence agriculture as the primary business. The canal, which cost nearly ...

The Wabash & Erie Canal

Operating The Canal

[ Front ]

The Longest Canal in North America

Carroll County Wabash & Erie Canal

Delphi, Indiana

The Wabash & Erie Canal extended 468 miles

from Toledo, Ohio to Evansville, Indiana

On March 2, 1827, a Congressional ...

Horse Batteries and Reserve Artillery


Horse Batteries and Reserve Artillery,

Army of the Potomac.

(September 17, 1862)

Horse Batteries A, B and L (Consolidated) and M, 2nd U.S. Artillery, C and G (Consolidated) of the 3d U.S. Artillery, were established on the crown of the ridge to the ...
