
Results for George Washington

George Washington Crossing, 1770

George Washington began a journey on October 5, 1770 to the Ohio Country to see lands he had fought to win and now hoped to own. After a trip, on November 3, up the Kanawha River, the party headed back ...

George Washington

1732 - 1932

Stopped at an inn located on this site when passing through Hanover during his presidency. In commemoration of which event this tablet has been erected and dedicated by the Bicentennial Committee of Hanover Pennsylvania in Honour of ...

George Washington Heritage Trail

Historic Shepherdstown

In 1775, Shepherdstown (formerly known as Mecklenburg) was asked to furnish one company (about 100 men) to assist patriots fighting the British around Boston. In July, the company marched in high spirits down German Street with the entire town ...

George Washington Monument


(Marker conveys the impact of Virginians on our Country's history through its prominent and allegorical figures. See the "More about this marker" section and the links for more information).

Marker is on N. 9th Street near E. Grace Street.


George Washington

[ Side One: ]

A tribute of honor to

George Washington

and his army,

and a memorial to the

spirit that founded

and preserved the


[ Side Two: ]


Unique in character

Blameless in private

life and public ...

George Washington Carver Regional High School

George Washington Carver Regional High School was founded in 1948 to serve the educational needs of black students in Culpeper, Madison, Orange, and Rappahannock counties. Secondary schools for blacks in those counties were either nonexistent or inadequate for collegiate preparation. ...

George Washington Carver

A former slave boy, George Washington Carver came to Neosho in the 1870s seeking an education. At Neosho’s Lincoln School, he began his long climb out of ignorance. This was his first step toward becoming a world-famous scientist and teacher ...

Lot owned by George Washington

George Washington, surveyor for Lord Fairfax, visited "ye fam'd warm springs" first, Mar. 17, 1748. Later he brought his family "to try the effect of the waters" in 1768. When "Ye Town of Bath" was incorporated in October 1776, Washington ...

George Washington’s Birthplace

On the ground before you once stood the plantation home of Augustine Washington and his second wife, Mary Ball Washington. Here, on February 22, 1732, George Washington—farmer, general of the Continental Army, and first president of the United States—was born.

George ...

George Washington Carver's Thoughts

Right Road

…how can I be sure that I’m on the right road?… “In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” Now you must learn to look to Him for direction and then follow, and you will ...
