
Results for Korean

Newcomerstown Korean War Memorial


“The Forgotten War”

June 25, 1950 - July 27, 1953

Dedicated to the men and women of the Newcomerstown area who served

Marker is at the intersection of Canal Street and Bridge Street, on the left when traveling east on Canal Street.

Courtesy ...

Tuscarawas County World War II and Korean Conflict Memorial

A tribute to the living and dead of Tuscarawas County who served in World War II and the Korean Conflict.

Marker is on Broadway Street (Ohio Route 416), on the right when traveling north.


Korean War Memorial


"The Chicopee Veterans Organizations erect this monument to honor all

who served in the United States Armed Forces during the Korean War.

June 1950 July 1953

Especially remembered are these 13 men who made the supreme sacrifice

in giving their lives for the principles ...

Joplin Korean War and Vietnam War Memorial

In memory of our heroic combat dead of the

Korean and Vietnam Conflicts


Harold L. Terry • Jimmie E. Barcom

William M. Barnard • Otis C. Carpenter

James A. Harris • David L. Johnson

Charles R. Landon • Robert F. Wilson

Donald D. Younger • Harold ...

Coshocton County Korean War Memorial

June 1950 -July 1953

In memory of all who served and gave the ultimate sacrifice including the following from Coshocton County

Francis E. Appis Charles D. Rubel

George H. Babcock Hubert W. Shurtz

Ralph R. Carr Howard R. Weingarth

Robert F. ...

Korean War Honor Roll - Grant County (Indiana)

[Center Panel]

Korean War

In loving Memory

and Appreciation

for the Men & Women

of Grant County

who served in the

Korean Conflict

1950 - - - - 1953

[ Left Panel ]

Those who made the Supreme Sacrifice

Ezekiel Davis, Jr • Ralph L. Glover ...

Miami County Korean - Viet Nam War Memorial


“They died that others might live Free”

[ Korea ]

( Row One )

Edward F. Brakes • Weldon E. Bucher • John M. Cain • Donald A. Day • Everett S. Johnson • Bobby G. Leedy

( Row ...

New Jersey Korean War Memorial

Freedom is Not Free

[Following the title is a list of New Jersey veterans who died in the Korean War. See link below for a list of "those who did not return."]

Marker is at the intersection of Atlantic City Boardwalk and ...

Korean - Vietnam - Persian Gulf Monument

When our Nation called,

They served...

In bitter cold, in sweltering heat,

In burning desert sands.

Dedicated on November 11th, 2001 by

The grateful citizens of Belmar

In honor of our Veterans.

Korea • Vietnam • Persian Gulf

Killed in action

Carl Foster

1947 - 1967

Marker is at the intersection ...

South River World War II, Korean Conflict, and Vietnam Conflict

A grateful community holds these names in honored memory. They gave their lives in World War II and the Korean War for our way of life. Grant them Eternal Rest.

World War II

Charles Anasiewicz •

Milton Armstrong •

Stephen E. Balazs ...
