
Results for R

Bannock Pass to Leadore

Back Into Idaho
*Adventurous Travel: road...


Horse Prairie to Bannock Pass



Skinner Meadows to Horse Prarie

Leaving Behind the Big Hole Valley


Big Hole Battlefield to Skinner Meadows


Crossing the Continental Divide

Colonel Gibbon dispatched Lieutenant Bradley and Cap...


Nez Perce Reach Big Hole

The steep trail over the Continental Divide was fami...


Results for R

Bannock Pass to Leadore

Back Into Idaho
*Adventurous Travel: roads not recommended for motor homes or vehicles towing trailers; usually passable from July to October*

Exactly which route the Nez Perce followed as they left Montana and entered Idaho is unclear. Possibilities include Deadman ...

Horse Prairie to Bannock Pass

In The Wrong Place At The Wrong Time
*Adventurous Travel: roads not recommended for motor homes or vehicles towing trailers; usually passable from July to October*

To the southwest of here is ...

Skinner Meadows to Horse Prarie

Leaving Behind the Big Hole Valley
*Adventurous Travel: roads not recommended for motor homes or vehicles towing trailers; usually passable from July to October*

Leaving the Takseen camp, the Nez Perce moved south through the Big Hole River drainage. A ...

Big Hole Battlefield to Skinner Meadows

"A Rifle Shot At First Light"

“That night the warriors paraded about camp, singing, ...

Crossing the Continental Divide

Colonel Gibbon dispatched Lieutenant Bradley and Captain Catlin with some of their men and a couple volunteers to locate the Nez Perce. Early on August 8, Gibbon and his men started over the Continental Divide. It required many laborious hours ...

Nez Perce Reach Big Hole

The steep trail over the Continental Divide was familiar but difficult. After the climb, and one night at Trail Creek, the Nez Perce made camp on the banks of a clear, cool stream where the forested mountains meet the green ...

Gibbon at Ross Hole