
Results for Virginia V

The Town of Washington, Virginia

The First Washington of All

Surveyed and platted by George Washington with the assistance of John Lonem and Edward Corder, as chainmen; August 4, 1849.

Organized and established as a town by the General Assembly of Virginia, December 14, 1896.

Incorporated as a ...

The Rothwell Family of Albemarle County Virginia

Claiborne, one of the first of the Rothwells to live in this county, was born about 1741 as reported in The Virginia Advocate, Saturday Oct. 11, 1828 and “died on Oct. 6 in his 87th year...He was a kind and ...

Mary Virginia Wade

Jennie Wade

Aged 20 yrs. 2 mos

killed July 3, 1863

while making bread

for the Union soldiers.

What soever God

willeth must be

though a Nation


With a courage

born of loyalty,

she hath done

what she could.

Erected by the

Woman’s Relief Corps.

of Iowa A.D. 1901

Marker can be reached from Baltimore ...

Virginia and Monitor

Across Hampton Roads from this point the C.S.S. Virginia (Merrimac) and the U.S.S. Monitor fought, March 9, 1862. This was the first combat between iron-clad vessels in the history of the world. After a severe engagement in which each vessel ...

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University was founded in 1872 as a land-grant college specializing in agriculture and mechanics. The land-grant college system marked the beginning of scientific agricultural and industrial instruction in the Commonwealth. Over the next century Virginia ...

Founding of the Future Farmers of Virginia

The Future Farmers of Virginia (FFV) was founded on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute by four members of the Agricultural Education Department in September, 1925. Developed as a statewide organization for boys enrolled in high school vocational agriculture, the ...

Accomack County Virginia World War II, Korea & Vietnam

In honor of the men of Accomack County, Virginia who died in the service of our country in World War II, The Korean war and the Vietnam War.

Marker can be reached from the intersection of Alt. US 13 Front ...

Accomack County Virginia World War I

In honor of the men of Accomack County, Virginia who died in the service of our country in the World War 1917-1918.

Marker can be reached from the intersection of Alt. US 13 Front Street and Courthouse Ave., on the left ...

Virginia State University

The Virginia Normal and Collegiate Institute was chartered on 6 Mar. 1882. The Readjuster Party was instrumental in supporting a state institution of higher education in Virginia for African Americans with some unusual features to the institute's charter. It called ...

Virginia and Truckee Railroad

“Do it at once”

“Do it at once” was the order given to I. E. James by William Sharron to build the V & T Railroad.

Construction to Carson City was completed in November 1869. By November 1871, Reno was connected to ...
