
Results for World War II War Memorial

Laurel-Lincoln World War II Memorial


Honor Roll 1941-1945

They Served to Strengthen Democracy

[Honor Roll of Names Follows]

Clarence M. Luster

James L. Robinson

Frank Louis Byrd

[Three above died in service]

May They Have Not Served in Vain

Marker is at the intersection ...

Twinsburg World War II - Korea - Vietnam War Memorial

In Memoriam

World War II

Lt. Herbert Gill

Navy Fighter Pilot

Died - Dec. 4, 1943

Sgt. Paul Bennett

486 QM REF. Co. M.

Died - Dec. 6, 1945

P.F.C. Fred Staedtler, Jr.

Co. M., 145 Inf., 37 Div.

Died - Mar. 6, 1945

Bert Buganski

Co. F. 7 Infantry

Died - Feb. ...

World War II Memorial

1939 - 1945

To the Glory of God

and the memory of our

Immortal Dead

Howard Mallock • Lawson Searles

Those who served our King and Country

Alison Alexander • Ronald Anthony • Wesley Anthony • George Babcock • Lydie ...

World War II Memorial

In Honor of the Hoboken Residents Who Gave Their Lives for Freedom

Dedicated to those 153 Hoboken residents

Who made the ultimate sacrifice through

Seflfess acts of bravery, courage,

And loyalty to our great country

And the principles of democracy.


Tuscarawas County World War II and Korean Conflict Memorial

A tribute to the living and dead of Tuscarawas County who served in World War II and the Korean Conflict.

Marker is on Broadway Street (Ohio Route 416), on the right when traveling north.


Joplin World War II Memorial

Erected by the Citizens of Joplin in honor of those who made the supreme sacrifice in World War II

Dedicated June 1947

[Honor Roll of Names]

Marker is at the intersection of Joplin Avenue and West 8th Street, on the right when traveling ...

World War II Memorial

These pines dedicated with reverence as a living memorial to those who served in World War II

Wildwood Garden Club

February 2, 1945

Marker can be reached from Spruce Street.


North Salem World War II Memorial

1941 Town of North Salem, N.Y. 1945

In Honor of Our Citizens Who Served

In the Armed Forces Of

The United States

During World War II

Abate, Ugo • Alexander, Charles J. • Andrews, William • Biel, Leonard • ...

Washoe County World War II Memorial

"God grants liberty to only those who love it and are ready to guard and defend it" - Daniel Webster

Dedicated to the brave men and women who served their county at home and abroad from 1941 - 1945. Their efforts ...

Maryland World War II Memorial

[Marker Panel No. 1]:


With their lives before them, they left everything – their families, their loved ones, the serenity and security of their homes – to fight for a just cause. They departed on a journey to places they had ...
