Western North Carolina Veterans Memorial

[inscriptions, west center interior]

"It is the Veteran:"

It is the Veteran who has given us and defended Freedom of Religion.

It is the Veteran who has given us and defended Freedom of Press.

It is the Veteran who has given us and defended ...

Site of Don Bernardo Yorba Hacienda

On this land, portion of Santa Ana grant awarded by King of Spain 1810 to Jose Antonio Yorba, and additional grants to his son by Governor Jose Figueroa 1834, was created Hacienda of Don Bernardo Yorba. Greatest ranchero of golden ...

Soldier and Sailor Monument

To the

Soldier and Sailor Dead

of the



World Wars

from the

Citizens of Oshkosh


Marker can be reached from Algoma Boulevard (U.S. 45) south of West Packer Avenue, on the right when traveling south.


Diego Sepúlveda Adobe

This home of early Spanish Californians, erected in the 1820's, once served as an "estancia" or station for mission herdsmen. It was dedicated in 1963 for public use by the Segerstrom Family and restored by the City of Costa Mesa. ...

Cucamonga Winery

Established by Tiburcio Tapia, to whom the Cucamonga Rancho was granted March 3, 1839 by Governor Juan Bautista Alvarado of Mexico.

Marker is at the intersection of Foothill Boulevard (Route 66) and Vineyard Avenue, on the right when traveling west on ...

Lindley's Mill

In a Battle, September 13, 1781, Four Miles Southwest, Butler's Whigs Failed to Rescue Governor Burke From Fanning's Tories.

Marker is on NC Highway 87 South near East Greensboro-Chapel Hill Road, on the left when traveling south.


McCoull Spring

This spring has always been important to the McCoull family but on May 12, 1864 it became a vital source of rejuvenation to hundreds of Confederates involved in the fighting at the Bloody Angle. Colonel Charles S. Venable, an aide-de-camp ...

Cass County


Midway on Missouri's western border, Cass County was organized in 1835 and named Van Buren. The Free-Soil Party affiliation of Martin Van Buren led to name change, in 1849 for Democrat Lewis Cass. In territory ceded by Osage tribes 1825, ...

Melbourne Public Library

The library began in Mrs. Campbell's store called The Bazaar, on lower New Haven Avenue, in 1918.

It soon outgrew the store, moved to a building on the corner of New Haven Ave. and Vernon Place, then across the street to ...

Uchee Path

This highway coincides closely with a segment of a noted east-west Indian route called the Lower Uchee Path. Beginning at Old Town on the Ogeechee, the trail led this way by Carr’s Shoals, on the Oconee, above Dublin, thence via ...
