United We Stand Divided We Fall

The Cass Co. Judges who suffered imprisionment by the U.S. Federal Courts rather than make a tax levy to pay fradulent Co. and Township Railroad Bonds.

FE Johnston

WP Barnes

Sept 1 1883 to Jan 1 1884

WA Wray

FM George

ET Lane

Mar ...

Campbell Park

Many acres in this area were originally owned by Peter Wright a black man and one of the first settlers of this area. He sold his property to Thomas Mason, an English recluse, who later sold the property to Richard ...

Site of First School in Fall River Valley

In 1868, near this spot, the first school in Fall River Valley was built. The building was of log construction, 20 feet by 30 feet, with no floor or windows. About 1870 the first sawmill in the valley was built ...

"Indian Jim" and the Building of Kansas City Road


- Main Marker: -

Founded in 1857, Olathe was strategically located on the Santa Fe Trail. In the era of horsepower, the new town was a day's journey from Independence, Missouri. As time passed, Olathe's population and commerce grew, ...

Our Heroes

In honor of the Confederate Soldiers of Pender County. Major General William Dorsey Pender, Feb 6, 1834 – July 18, 1863.

Let future generations remember that these were men whom death could not terrify, whom defeat could not dishonor. That truth, ...

One of Lee’s Ammunition Trains

One of Lee’s ammunition trains was captured here Sept. 15, 1862 by 1200 Federal cavalry under Col. B. F. Davis, escaping from Gen. T. J. “Stonewall” Jackson’s capture of Harpers Ferry. This loss was felt by the Confederate army at ...

General J. E. B. Stuart

General J.E.B. Stuart with General Wade Hampton attacked a large force of Pennsylvania militia under Governor Curtin and General John F. Reynolds near here September 20, 1862. Outnumbered, he retired across the Potomac. He desired to seize federal supplies at ...

Orange Spot Inn

The original hotel on this site was built in 1884 on property which Richard W. Goode purchased from Thomas Mason first white settler of Melbourne. Mrs. R.W. Goode operated the "Rooming House." She called it the Goode House.

In 1894, the ...

Gen. Richard Butler

Gen. Richard Butler

was Killed by Indians

beneath a tree which stood

on the site of this building

- - - in - - -

St. Clair's Defeat

November 4, 1791

Marker is at the intersection of Wayne Street and Butler Street on Wayne Street.


Battle of Funkstown

At Bay another Day

The Confederate presence at Funkstown threatened any Union advance against Gen. Robert E. Lee’s position near Williamsport and the Potomac River as he retreated to Virginia after the Battle of Gettysburg. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart’s cavalry, posted at ...
