Steam Locomotive Tire Fire Alarm – 1909

One of the challenges for volunteer fire departments is how to alert their members to a fire. In July 1909, the Town of Manassas authorized Mr. J. I. Randall, the first town Fire Chief, to purchase three locomotive tires to ...

Revolutionary Hospital & Continental Barracks


On This Site Stood

During the Revolutionary War

The General Hospital For The

Northern Department, And The

Continental Barracks.

Built By Order Of

General Washington In Nov.

1776, And used Until 1780 By

Troops Passing Through Or

Stationed In ...

Creek Agency - Old Agency

Here on the Flint River was the headquarters of the Agent for Indian Affairs South of Ohio until the area was acquired by Georgia in the Creek cession of Jan. 24, 1826. Here Benjamin Hawkins and David B. Mitchell, Agents, ...

McIntosh House

Across the highway stands the inn built about 1823 by William McIntosh, half-breed chief of the Lower Creek Indians. Here on February 12, 1825, McIntosh and other chiefs signed the Second Treaty of Indian Springs, giving up their last Georgia ...

Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House / National Museum of the Am

Exploring Downtown

Before the income tax was invented, the duty levied on imported goods financed almost the entire cost of America’s federal government – and as much as 80 per cent of that duty came through the Port of New York, ...

Laodicea Langston Springfield


On this site

stood the home of

Laodicea Langston Springfield


1759 - 1837

Heroine of

the American Revolution.

To her daring and courage

many patriots owed their lives.

This rock was

a hearthstone in her home.

[On a separate plaque, mounted above the original, is inscribed the following]:

Laodicea ...

Melbourne Hotel

The Melbourne Hotel was first opened on the evening of September 23, 1924, with several hundred guests in attendance.

Elton Hall was the promoter of the hotel and celebrated his 36th birthday on the day of the opening.

That same year (1924), ...

1884 Oakland Train Station

Given the architectural design term "Queen Ann Style" by its architect E. Francis Baldwin, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad's "1884 Oakland Train Station" is the third building to occupy this location. The first station was a small, square two-story wooden ...

Rails to Dulles Airport

In 1958 the federal government began construction of a new international airport near Chantilly, Virginia. The Washington & Old Dominion Railroad, whose freight business had been on the decline, enjoyed a resurgence of activity. Cement, stone, and other materials arrived ...

Kidd & Knox Building


Major commercial building since Gold Rush. Early offices of Judges, lawyers, statesmen including U.S. Senators A.A. Sargent, Wm. Morris Stewart, Calif. Supreme Court Chief Justices Niles Searls, Lorenzo Sawyer were here. Site of dramatic hall where Edwin Booth, Lola ...
