Batte of Corinth - 1862

Site of Battery Williams. On Oct. 4 the cannonade from here devastated the Confederate troops attacking battery Robinette. The advance failed, forcing Gen. Van Dorn to withdraw his forces.

Marker is on North Fulton Road, on the right when traveling south. ...

Commodore Thomas Macdonough

Early home of Commodore Thomas Macdonough. Hero of Battle of Lake Champlain 1814. Born 1783. Died 1825. Commodore 1813. Assisted Commodore Decatur in capturing and burning the "Philadelphia" off the coast of Tripoli, 1804. Original name of village "The Trap," ...

Ashburn Station

At least two different railroad stations stood where you are now standing. When the Alexandra, Loudoun & Hampshire Railroad (later the W&OD) arrived in 1860, the aptly named crossroads of Farmwell became one of the many rail stops that served ...

Camargo - 1847

2 mi. NW was the flourishing port of Camargo, named by Veterans for their Mexican war camp. The town had a steamboat landing, schools, cemetery, and church. Confederates won a skirmish here, July 14, 1864

Marker is on State Highway 45, ...

Cornwall Furnace

Built by Peter Grubb. Operated from 1742 to 1883.

Marker is on Rexmont Road just from Manor Road.


Nevada County Traction Company

1901 - 1924

Four 28 ton standard gauge street cars ran from this spot five miles to Boston Ravine south of Grass Valley. Car barns and power plant located at Glenbrook mid-way. Line was victim of motor cars and busses.

Marker is ...

First Presbyterian Church

First Presbyterian Church was organized in 1839 by Scottish-Irish settlers. Built in 1845, the sanctuary is the original church structure. According to local tradition, the church bell, cast in 1851 by the Andrew Meneely and Sons Foundry of West Troy, ...


Indian Village Appoquinimi. Part of large grant to Alexander D'Hinoyessa, vice-director of New Amstel. Edmund Cantwell second owner of tract, 1673. Village named Cantwell's Bridge, 1731. Once important grain shipping center. Named Odessa 1855, after Russian grain port.

Marker is on ...

Mission San Luís Rey de Francia

Founded June 12, 1798 by Father Lasuen, then president of the California missions, and administered by Father Peyri. Notable for its impressive architecture—a composite of Spanish, Moorish, and Mexican.

Marker can be reached from North El Camino Real north of Mission ...

"Father Bob"

To honor

Rear Admiral Robert James White

Chaplain Corps, United States Navy

We erect this tribute to

"Father Bob"

Priest, Chaplain, Lawyer, Educator

with gratitude,

esteem and affection

from the

World War Veterans

July 14, 1962

Old Orchard Beach, Maine

