
Results for B

Kay County Abstract Building

Dick Sherbon of Ponca City received the bid to erect this building for the Kay County Abstract Company in 1926. The bids for the building ranged from $4,400 to $5,700.

This red brick structure was limited to one story because of ...

The Cline Building

William S. Cline had this building constructed in 1925. This was the same year that the Kay County Courthouse and the Masonic Temple were constructed in Newkirk. The Cline Building is illustrative of the influence of the Art Deco style. ...

B'nai Israel Synagogue (Conservative)

B'nai Israel was the sixth Jewish congregation to be founded in Florida. Chartered in 1899, B'nai Israel met in the vestry room of Temple Beth El, then moved to the Odd Fellows Hall, which was a secret meeting place for ...

Chamber of Commerce

Founded in 1807 as the Society for the Encouragement of Domestic Manufacture and the Useful Arts, the nation's third oldest Chamber of Commerce met here in the old log courthouse, led by Crawford Messenger editor Thomas Atkinson and Holland Land ...

Henry B. Tompkins House

The Henry B. Tompkins House and its landscaped gardens are an outstanding example of the work of Neel Reid, one of the most respected early 20th-century Atlanta architects. Totally unaltered in design and plan since its construction in 1922, the ...

The Southwest Boulevard Fire

August 18, 1959

Firefighter Virgil Sams

Captain George Bartels

Firefighter Delbert Stone

Firefighter Neal Owen

Captain Peter Sirna

Civilian Francis J. Toomes

To each who come before this

memorial in remembrance of the final

fire for these six, we pray ...

Les jardins de la Berbie

Gardens of the Berbie Palace

Entre 1687 et 1703, Hyacinthe Serrori, premier archévêque d’Albi, aménage un lieu d’a rement dans l’ancienne basse cour de Berbie et transforme la muraille en promenoir. La Berbie perd ainsi son côté défensif et la ...

Les berges du Tarn

The Tarn riverbanks

La rive gauche du Tarn correspond à un quartier peuplé dès le Haut Moyen Âge: le secteur des «Combes» .

Ce nom évoque une topographie en forme de gouttière descendant vers le Tarn. Les Combes établissaient un ...

Le palais de la Berbie

[The Bishop's Palace]

La construction

Le nom du palais vient du mot occitan «bisbia» , devenue «verbie» puis «berbie» et qui signiffie évêché.

L’édification du palais se déroule en de nombreuses étapes : la construction elle-même s’étale entre 1228 et 1306. Par la ...

Les Moulins albigeois

Albi Mills

Une dizaine de moulins s’égrenaient autrefois sur les deux rives du Tarn. Quatre subsistèrant après la Révolution: les moulins de Gardes, de Lamothe, du Chapitre et le Moulin-Neuf, appele par la suite «Moulins de l’Albigeois» .

Un moulin existant déjà ...
